
A web clone of most used food order website Zomato

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Zomato Clone(tomato)

In the project directory, A End to End clone of zomato is made. User can order food online , search for popular restaurants, search for restaurants located nearby, can sort the items by popularity-high to low, delivery rating and can also filter item according to cuisines, cost and ratings. User have to sign in or sign up before checkout and make payments.

User can sign in or sign up using google sign in or through email verification.

Project Screenshots

Landing Page
Restaurant Page Collection Page Profile Update Page
Profile Update Page Profile Update Page Profile Update Page

Built With


  • User can order food online based on location
  • OAuth login through google
  • Google Maps Integrated
  • RazorPay Integrated for Payment
  • Similar properties suggestion feature

Installation and Setup Instructions

Clone down this repository. You will need node and npm installed globally on your machine. Installation: npm install To Run Test Suite: npm test To Start Server: npm start To Visit App: localhost:3000/

Tools Used



  • Google place autocomplete
  • Google maps api
  • Razor Pay


  • npm install
  • nodemon server.js


deployement tool used: AWS(Amazon Web Services)

👤 Akash Pathak

👤 Manish Kumar

👱‍♀️ Gargi Das

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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  • We take all the responsiblity for every single line of code. The desgin inspire from Zomato.