
Sales Summit 2018 - Product Training: The World of Tech

World of Tech

Sales Summit 2018

Overview of some of the most common technologies you can expect to encounter in a tech course for enterprise clients.


  • Why is this Important?
  • Tools
    • CLI
    • Code Editors
    • Git + Version Control
  • How the Web Works
  • Front-end
    • HTML/CSS
    • JavaScript (Client-side)
  • Break
  • Back-end
    • Languages
    • API's
    • Databases
  • DevOps
  • Front-end Frameworks
  • Q&A


  • Professional development since 2002
  • 7 WDI cohorts in ATX starting with WDI-1
  • First cohort at Capital One Developer Academy

Why is this Important?

5 min

No two clients you encounter will be running the same tech stack. There are so many different languages, frameworks, libraries and 3rd party services that can be leveraged by developers today. Despite this, there are certain foundational concepts and tools that will always be relevant no matter what stack they're working with.



5 min

Why we teach students to be proficient with the command line and terminal

  • Because Unix was written from the terminal up, most everything can be configured through the command line
  • It's much quicker to type in commands than to go through endless menu options to find what you're looking for
  • Automation. You can write scripts that perform any series of actions and have complete control over what happens
  • There are things that can't be accomplished with a GUI, mainly because nobody bothered to write a GUI for that functionality


5 min

  • Open the terminal by pressing Command + Spacebar
  • Type in terminal and hit Enter
  • cd ~/Desktop to navigate to the desktop
  • touch quote.txt to create a file named quote.txt
  • ls to list the contents of your desktop. You should see the new file listed
  • open quote.txt to edit the file
  • Type in Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens and hit Enter
  • Save the file and close it with your default text editor
  • cat quote.txt to view the contents of the file we created

Code Editors

5 min


5 min

  • cd ~/Desktop
  • vim quote.txt
  • h to move left, l to move right
  • w to jump to the next word. b to jump back one word
  • A to append the author to the end of the quote Carl Jung
  • ESC when you're done editing
  • :wq to save the file and exit

To generate a truly random string, put a web developer in front of Vim and tell them to exit

Git + Version Control

5 min

What is Git and why is version control critical for development teams

Git allows developers to:

  • Revert files back to a previous state
  • Revert the entire project back to a previous state
  • Compare changes over time
  • See who last modified something that might be causing a problem

Git gives developers the freedom to explore and try new things without the worry of losing their work. For the most part data is added not deleted.

How the Web Works

15 min

What do people mean when they say front-end/back-end? What's involved on either side?

Client/server model

DDoS attacks increased 91% in 2017 thanks to IoT



5 min

What role does HTML, CSS play? How does the browser render that content (e.g. DOM)

  • HTML provides the structure of the webpage (text, images, etc)
  • CSS is about the appearance and styling (color, font size, etc)

JavaScript - Client-side

5 min

  • Client-side JavaScript is for interactivity and runs in the browser
  • Allows developers to provide richer experiences like showing/hiding content based on user interactions


10 min

Codepen example with HTML / CSS / JavaScript


5 min



10 min

Why are there so many back-end languages and how does this affect what we're selling and training workers for?


  • JavaScript - Node.js, API's
  • Python - Data Science, popular starter language
  • PHP - Over 80% of the web runs on PHP
  • Ruby - Popular among startups and medium size companies


  • Java - Proven, maintainability, Android
  • C# - ASP.NET


5 min

What are APIs and what role do they play for different types of companies

  • Why developers use 3rd party APIs as opposed to their own software
  • Why companies spend resources to create and maintain them


10 min

What's a database and the core differences between relational and NoSQL databases?

There are many different instances of SQL databases, each with tiny differences amongst themselves. Here are some of the most popular:

  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • Microsoft SQL Server

Relational databases are dominant in the industry, so much that anything that is not relational is lumped into the NoSQL category.

  • MongoDB
  • Redis


10 min

  • Static file deployment vs dynamic
  • Amazon Web Services (IaaS vs PaaS)
  • Docker

Front-end Frameworks

5 min

  • React vs Angular
  • ES6
  • TypeScript


10 min