
Instant Messenger built in java

Primary LanguageJava

Instant Messenger

Development in Java of a server and client socket connection for a messaging application that allows for real time local messaging conversation. Developed using a tutorial series on development in Java.


• The user must first run the server to initialize it, after which, the server waits for a connection to occur with a client as displayed by the GUI present on the user’s screen

• User then runs client application and a connection is established through a specified port number between the client and server

• User now has two windows on their screen; one is the server messaging window and the other is the client messaging window

• After the connection is established user is allowed to type in the GUI text field in both server and client windows and send the messages to the respective window (server or client)

• All messages are instantaneously sent and received respectively and if a user wishes to end the conversation, program can be terminated by typing ‘END’ into the messaging field