
Java wrapper for FFTW3.

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION


Java wrapper for FFTW3.

This repo does not include any FFTW libraries. See FFTW's website for download and installation information.


FFTW is a fast fourier transform library containing a large array of transform algorithms. FFTW chooses an algorithm that is the most efficient for a certain problem size and currently available system resources. The user can configure parameters of the transform to suit their program's needs.

This Java library is meant to act as an interface between native FFTW and the Java Virtual Machine. In the interest of preventing JVM crashes due to native code errors, this library implements a few checks and validations not present in FFTW itself to ensure errors occur outside native code.

Building the JNI Shared Library

Run GNU make in this directory to build the JNI shared library.

Please edit the Makefile to work for your system:

  • Change CC to specify a C compiler.
  • Change PLATFORM to your platform:
    • linux for Linux
    • win32 for Windows
    • darwin for macOS
  • Change JAVAINCL to the path of your Java include directory.
  • Change FFTWINCL to the path of your FFTW3 include directory.
  • Change FFTWLIBDIR to the path of your FFTW3 lib directory.
  • Change FFTWLIBNM to the name of your FFTW3 library.
  • Change TARGETLIB to your platform specific shared library naming convention:
    • libjfftw.so for linux
    • jfftw.dll for win32
    • libjfftw.dylib for darwin
  • Change FFTWLIBTHREAD to the name of the threads library you used when compiling FFTW:
    • fftw3_omp if you want to use OpenMP and compiled FFTW with --enable-openmp
    • fftw3_threads if you compiled FFTW using --enable-threads
    • Leave this blank if you compiled FFTW with --with-combined-threads or if you did not compile FFTW with thread support

Building the Java Archive

Run build.xml as an Ant build.

It will clean, compile, document, and package the Java objects into jfftw.jar which can be used as a dependency in your Java projects.

Adding jfftw as a Dependency

Include jfftw.jar in your Java project as you would any other .jar library.

The JNI shared library you built above as well as the FFTW3 shared library must be in your project's java.library.path directory. You may load these native libraries using the loadLibraries method found in the Interface class.


This library is meant to give the user as much control over FFTW as possible while maintaining most Java semantics. For instance, we can directly translate the C code below:

int N = 1024;
fftw_complex *ci = fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * N);
fftw_complex *co = fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * N);
fftw_plan plan = fftw_plan_dft_1d(N, ci, co, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_MEASURE | FFTW_PRESERVE_INPUT);

Into Java:

int N = 1024;
DoubleBuffer ci = DirectAllocator.allocateComplex(N);
DoubleBuffer co = DirectAllocator.allocateComplex(N);
DirectPlan p = new DirectPlan(ci, co, -1, Complexity.COMPLEX_TO_COMPLEX, Flag.combine(Flag.MEASURE, Flag.PRESERVE_INPUT), null);

Both these snippets will create two complex interleaved arrays of size 1024, a new plan using those arrays and user specific flags, and execute the plan.


Direct Byte Buffers

This library makes use of direct ByteBuffers available in the java.nio package. Direct buffers allow the JVM and JNI to access the same shared memory location reducing overhead from copying arrays back and forth between the JVM and JNI.

The DirectAllocator class implements two methods to allocate direct buffers using FFTW's fftw_alloc_complex and fftw_alloc_real functions:

DoubleBuffer cplx = DirectAllocator.allocateComplex(512);
DoubleBuffer real = DirectAllocator.allocateReal(512);

Doing so ensures maximum support for SIMD instruction sets.

Primitive Arrays

This library also supports primitive arrays. Primitive arrays may be easier to use in Java code but require some special handling to minimize array copies when used in native code.

Construct a PrimitivePlan the same way you would a DirectPlan:

double[] cplx = new double[512];
double[] real = new double[512];
PrimitivePlan p = new PrimitivePlan(cplx, real, Complexity.COMPLEX_TO_COMPLEX, Flag.combine(Flag.MEASURE, Flag.PRESERVE_INPUT), null);

Array Alignment

Misaligned arrays will cause segfaults if FFTW is attempting to use SIMD instructions on those misaligned arrays. This library ensures array alignments are valid for plans that require strict alignment.

A PrimitivePlan may have alignment issues when using the new array execute methods. If you encounter an IllegalArgumentException with the message, "new array alignment not equal to plan alignment", while using a PrimitivePlan, the JVM may have aligned the new arrays differently from the array supplied upon plan creation.


FFTW implements a planning feature which produces a plan containing "all information necessary to compute the transform, including the pointers to the input and output arrays."

In the case of this library, the Plan class holds the address of the fftw_plan in native code, and references to the direct DoubleBuffer objects supplied upon plan creation.

A new array execute function is provided in the Plan class as well. The inputs to this method must adhere to the restrictions provided in the FFTW doc.

Plan Creation

To create a Plan, you must first construct input and output arrays. Note that "you must create the plan before initializing the input, because FFTW_MEASURE overwrites the in/out arrays. (Technically, FFTW_ESTIMATE does not touch your arrays, but you should always create plans first just to be sure.)"

Use the DirectAllocator class to allocate your arrays:

int N = 4096;
DoubleBuffer ci = DirectAllocator.allocateComplex(N); // note that the input and output sizes are the same
DoubleBuffer ro = DirectAllocator.allocateReal(N);    // also note that `ci` is a DoubleBuffer twice the capacity of `ro`

Then you may wish to combine a few flags:

int flags = Flag.combine(Flag.PRESERVE_INPUT, Flag.MEASURE);

Now you can create a plan:

DirectPlan p = new DirectPlan(ci, ro, -1, Complexity.COMPLEX_TO_REAL, flags);

Populate your input:

for (int i = 0; i < N*2; i += 2) {
  double re = Math.random();
  double im = Math.random();
  ci.put(i, re);
  ci.put(i + 1, im);

And execute the plan:


To collect the output of the transform, gain access to the DoubleBuffer referenced by your output:

DoubleBuffer out = p.getOutput(); // this method will provide access to the DoubleBuffer supplied upon Plan creation only

And copy the data back to a double[]:

double[] doubles = new double[N];

Or use the DoubleBuffer directly:

for (double d = out.get(); out.hasRemaining(); d = out.get())


From the FFTW doc:

All of the planner routines in FFTW accept an integer flags argument, which is a bitwise OR (‘|’) of zero or more of the flag constants defined below. These flags control the rigor (and time) of the planning process, and can also impose (or lift) restrictions on the type of transform algorithm that is employed.

Planning-rigor flags

  • FTW_ESTIMATE specifies that, instead of actual measurements of different algorithms, a simple heuristic is used to pick a (probably sub-optimal) plan quickly. With this flag, the input/output arrays are not overwritten during planning.
  • FFTW_MEASURE tells FFTW to find an optimized plan by actually computing several FFTs and measuring their execution time. Depending on your machine, this can take some time (often a few seconds). FFTW_MEASURE is the default planning option.
  • FFTW_PATIENT is like FFTW_MEASURE, but considers a wider range of algorithms and often produces a “more optimal” plan (especially for large transforms), but at the expense of several times longer planning time (especially for large transforms).
  • FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE is like FFTW_PATIENT, but considers an even wider range of algorithms, including many that we think are unlikely to be fast, to produce the most optimal plan but with a substantially increased planning time.
  • FFTW_WISDOM_ONLY is a special planning mode in which the plan is only created if wisdom is available for the given problem, and otherwise a NULL plan is returned. This can be combined with other flags, e.g. ‘FFTW_WISDOM_ONLY | FFTW_PATIENT’ creates a plan only if wisdom is available that was created in FFTW_PATIENT or FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE mode. The FFTW_WISDOM_ONLY flag is intended for users who need to detect whether wisdom is available; for example, if wisdom is not available one may wish to allocate new arrays for planning so that user data is not overwritten.

Algorithm-restriction flags

  • FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT specifies that an out-of-place transform is allowed to overwrite its input array with arbitrary data; this can sometimes allow more efficient algorithms to be employed.
  • FFTW_PRESERVE_INPUT specifies that an out-of-place transform must not change its input array. This is ordinarily the default, except for c2r and hc2r (i.e. complex-to-real) transforms for which FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT is the default. In the latter cases, passing FFTW_PRESERVE_INPUT will attempt to use algorithms that do not destroy the input, at the expense of worse performance; for multi-dimensional c2r transforms, however, no input-preserving algorithms are implemented and the planner will return NULL if one is requested.
  • FFTW_UNALIGNED specifies that the algorithm may not impose any unusual alignment requirements on the input/output arrays (i.e. no SIMD may be used). This flag is normally not necessary, since the planner automatically detects misaligned arrays. The only use for this flag is if you want to use the new-array execute interface to execute a given plan on a different array that may not be aligned like the original. (Using fftw_malloc makes this flag unnecessary even then. You can also use fftw_alignment_of to detect whether two arrays are equivalently aligned.)

These flags are implemented as an Enum class in Flag.


FFTW uses wisdom to save and reuse plans from storage.

The Wisdom class facilitates the import and export of FFTW wisdom.

A Note on Thread Safety

The only thread-safe routine in FFTW is fftw_execute and its new array execute variants. This library enforces thread safety by prepending the synchronized keyword to all of its native methods except for the plan execution methods. As a result, you should be able to leverage Java parallelism for execution. However, please understand that planning routines may hold locks for an extended period of time.

It is also important to note that while you may use the same plan across a number of threads, plan execution operates on the arrays it was created with by default. To use the same plan across multiple threads with different arrays consider using the new array execution method as shown below:

int N = 8192, nthreads = 8;
DoubleBuffer ci = DirectAllocator.allocateComplex(N);
DoubleBuffer co = DirectAllocator.allocateComplex(N);
int flags = Flag.combine(Flag.MEASURE);
DirectPlan plan = new DirectPlan(ci, co, -1, Complexity.COMPLEX_TO_COMPLEX, flags, null);
for (int i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) {
  new Thread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
      DoubleBuffer in = DirectAllocator.allocateComplex(N);
      DoubleBuffer out = DirectAllocator.allocateComplex(N);
      plan.execute(in, out);