
For when you think "This should really be on github.": `git gist` and `git hubbit`

Primary LanguageShell


Creates a Gist or GitHub repository out of the current directory.

Creating a Gist

By default, newly created Gists are private.

git gist [--description DESCRIPTION] [--public] [--remote REMOTE=origin]

git gist creates a new Gist, adds it as a remote to the current directory, and syncs its history and contents with the local repository.

If the directory is not already a git repository, a new git repository is initialized and all files in the directory are added/committed prior to the Gist creation.

Note: Gists cannot store directories. This tool will fail ungracefully if the current directory has any subdirectories.

Note: If the directory is already a git repository, it must be in a clean state (nothing to commit, and no untracked files) or git gist will bail. The clean state is necessary for the repository syncing hackery Gists require.

Creating a GitHub Repository

By default, newly created GitHub repositories are public.

git hubbit --name NAME [--description DESCRIPTION] [--private] [--org ORGANIZATION] [--team TEAM_ID] [--remote REMOTE=origin]

git hubbit creates a new GitHub repository, adds it as a remote to the current directory, and runs git push.

If the directory is not already a git repository, a new git repository is initialized and READMEs are added/committed prior to the GitHub repository creation.


  1. ./install.sh
  2. Enter your GitHub username and password when prompted.
  3. That's it :)

Neither your username nor your password are stored locally. An API token is stored in git config --global AutoHub.token.