- 0
No versions found
#688 opened by YevheniiVolosiuk - 2
No tag found that was able to satisfy 0.7.1
#687 opened by skmessage - 2
Support for Bootstrap 4
#672 opened by prakash03 - 3
Show hint tags after type three characters
#665 opened - 0
only show tags
#668 opened by CyberDepot - 0
prevent users from adding tags
#669 opened by iliya-hajjar - 0
Jquery security adivisor version
#671 opened by LokeshwarReddyGangireddygari - 1
How to get text of removed tag
#656 opened by mba8487143 - 1
How to return text of clicked tag
#657 opened by Mashiane - 0
Safe string decodeURI
#659 opened by pratikguru - 0
remove all method issue
#663 opened by ghozalisara - 2
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of null in bootstrap-tagsinput.js.
#652 opened by igoralves1 - 2
Repo activity?
#653 opened by jarrettj - 1
How to append class or text to newly added tag?
#654 opened by tejashapani - 5
label class doesn't work for bootstrap 4
#645 opened by cfust - 0
Space as confirm key on Android (keypress)
#647 opened by PlanetPush - 1
custom sorting
#648 opened by karthiknamburu - 0
What can be the maximum tagsize in git?
#649 opened by DeepikaBarik - 1
Upper case tags
#638 opened by Miguelrn - 1
adding tags having issue in mobile browsers.
#640 opened by lijoev - 0
in multiple select When have been customized `itemValue`, it can not retrieve options.
#642 opened by zareismail - 1
- 1
#635 opened by sadhnaprajapati - 0
jQuery.fn.focus() event shorthand is deprecated
#637 opened by SpaceWhite - 3
div with class bootstrap-tagsinput generated twice causes a bad page view with typeahead
#636 opened by aleinnocenzi - 1
- 0
- 2
- 0
boostrap-tagsinput restricted to jQuery v2.2.4
#631 opened by ethanae - 2
- 1
Use tagsinput with a datalist
#626 opened by Kyiv85 - 0
- 0
InputSize recommended use of real character lengths
#618 opened by Lost-FFRL - 1
Material Design Support?
#621 opened by alivelimeli - 1
Can we change the close icon "x" on right hand side ?
#622 opened by hkbeer - 0
input value attribute not being honoured when using objects tags with typeahead
#623 opened by JamesRoche - 1
add tagClass to <div> not to <span>
#615 opened by engHusseinMansour - 0
need some proper guide displayKey and valueKey
#616 opened by azrull - 0
destroy method advice
#617 opened by BellChan - 4
Project or fork maintainers?
#613 opened by jesperronn - 0
#676 opened by parveenbadoni - 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
tagsinput typeahead empty input have value []
#660 opened by gzai - 1
how to implement text sanitize on freeInput?
#658 opened by stefanocudini - 0
- 1
- 0
How to add tags manually without Typeahead feature
#627 opened by atinesh-s - 2
Version 0.8.0 is not available to install
#624 opened by JunaidQadirB