Important! A new UI Kit version for Bootstrap 5 is available. Access the latest free version via the link below.
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Data-mdb-* don't work!!
#301 opened by AnupamKhosla - 0
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Carousel image
#298 opened by w3bdesign - 0
The responsive-font-size mixin documentation
#297 opened by migliori - 0
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MDBSmoothScroll isn't exported from mdbreact
#295 opened by Farid212 - 0
Bug combining behaviours in drawers
#294 opened by durey - 0
carousel lag problem with different size pictures
#292 opened by nh916 - 1
navbar in mobile view is too small
#291 opened by nh916 - 0
Add CDN starter code for mdBootstrap
#287 opened by Siddharth1698 - 0
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document website cann't get the css in china, it's very very inconvenit for the use.
#285 opened by xinheblue - 7
Site is hacked
#284 opened by andrey-vk - 3
Web site is not working
#273 opened by mkaliberda - 1
Suggestion: Extend the pagination link colors
#282 opened by ni-fara - 1
Duplicate class "waves-effect" in pagination links
#281 opened by ni-fara - 1
Input[type='date'] transformed to type='text' on blur
#280 opened by simusr2 - 0
Remove !important from source
#279 opened by perriard - 4
Chart.js style is injected into site header regardless of deleting the chart.js library
#277 opened by ni-fara - 1
npm install mdbootstrap issues
#278 opened by DigniticeRoland - 1
Google Map Feature in Landing Page Boostrap Tutorial
#276 opened by ridbay - 1
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All Material dropdown not auto Close In Server System
#246 opened by sqlnew - 1
Bundling Error
#274 opened by ni-fara - 3
Select not applyin selected on selection
#271 opened by vosco88 - 2
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Dropdown menu not beavhing correctly.
#259 opened by shawnstom - 1
This dependency was not found: mdbootstrap
#242 opened by mannok - 1
unable to visit mdbootstrap official website in china now, due to the unavailability of the cdn -
#270 opened by xinheblue - 1
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causing issue read only property 'exports' of object in webpack complie in browser
#263 opened by rupinder0007gill - 1
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Fixed buttons - animation
#251 opened by locddspkt - 3
Please contact me at In your e-mail, please provide us your e-mail address. It's possible that it's blocked by our firewall
#267 opened by FansaIT - 1
How to add radio button after label
#253 opened by Aravindaful - 3
Jquery mdb pro 4.10.1 color broken
#269 opened by abhijitgujar86 - 1
Not compatible with webpack4 and ES6 modules
#268 opened by yoones - 4
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bootstrap 4.4.1 update
#266 opened by auvipy - 3
Site Down
#265 opened by phillipjacobs - 1
SideNav overlay not shown on mobile if scroll twice
#262 opened by jfcherng - 4
MDB3 documentation not working
#255 opened by halfer - 4
Use MDB Bootstrap For One Part Only
#237 opened by fakhamatia - 1
TypeError: e is null
#250 opened by reckerswartz - 2
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Chrome security error
#247 opened by zacny - 1
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#239 opened by vladviolentiy