
Its a two player game.

Primary LanguagePython



It is a two player game. A single player can also play with computer. Gameplay instruction is given inside the game. Basically the game involves two player throwing a "red rock thingy" at each other in turns. The one who can hit the oponent gets a point, whoever gets 5 points first wins the match. Computer (or should I say AI) part of the game is built and trained with Keras from Tensorflow. The model takes the visual input from the monitor and try to generates the correct input for the game engine. Model building, data generation and training codes are also available in this repository.

The GUI part was designed with PyQt5, a renowned python GUI library, and sound effect is added using playsound, another python library.


This project relies on a handful of dependencies, use the following command to install your dependencies:

pip install -r requirement.txt


Open Command prompt ar shell on the folder where the game is, or navigate there. Then run the game from the command line:

python HitMeIfYoouCan.py

Some Screenshots

Menu-view playing-view missed-view
