
HTTP client functionality (based on LibCURL.jl)

Primary LanguageJuliaOtherNOASSERTION


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HTTPClient HTTPClient

Provides HTTP client functionality based on libcurl.


The exported APIs from module HTTPClient are :

get(url::String, options::RequestOptions)
get(url::String; kw_opts...)

post(url::String, data, options::RequestOptions)
post(url::String, data; kw_opts...)

put(url::String, data, options::RequestOptions)
put(url::String, data; kw_opts...)

data can be either a

  • String - sent as is.
  • IOStream - Content type is set to "application/octet-stream" unless specified otherwise
  • Dict{Name, Value} or Vector{Tuple{Name, Value}} - Content type is set to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" unless specified otherwise
  • (:file, filename::String) - The file is read, and the content-type is set automatically unless specified otherwise.
head(url::String, options::RequestOptions)
head(url::String; kw_opts...)

delete(url::String, options::RequestOptions)
delete(url::String; kw_opts...)

trace(url::String, options::RequestOptions)
trace(url::String; kw_opts...)

options(url::String, options::RequestOptions)
options(url::String; kw_opts...)

Each API returns an object of type

type Response
    headers::Dict{String, Vector{String}}

If you expecting ascii text as a response, for example, html content, or json, bytestring(r.body) will return the stringified response. For binary data use the functions described in http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/stdlib/base/#i-o to access the raw data.

Specifying Options

Options can specified either as keyword arguments or a single object of type RequestOptions

type RequestOptions
    ostream::Union{IO, Nothing}

options can also be specified as named arguments in each of the APIS. The names are field names of RequestOptions. For example, get(url; blocking=false, request_timeout=30.0)

  • By default all APIs block till request completion and return Response objects.

  • If blocking is set to false, then the API returns immediately with a RemoteRef. The request is executed asynchronously in a separate task.

  • The user can specify a complete url in the url parameter of the API, or can set query_params as a Vector of (Name, Value) tuples

    In the former case, the passed url is executed as is.

    In the latter case the complete URL if formed by concatenating the url field, a "?" and the escaped (name,value) pairs. Both the name and values must be convertible to appropriate ASCIIStrings.

  • In file upload cases, an attempt is made to set the content_type type automatically as derived from the file extension unless auto_content_type is set to false.

  • auto_content_type - default is true. If the content_type has not been explicitly specified, the library will try to guess the content type for a PUT/POST from the file extension. For POST it will default to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". Set this parameter to false to override this behaviour

  • Default value for the request_timeout is 0.0 seconds, i.e., never timeout.

  • If a callback is specified, its signature should be customize_cb(curl) where curl is the libCURL handle. The callback can further customize the request by using libCURL easy* APIs directly

  • headers - additional headers to be set. Vector of {Name, Value} Tuples

  • ostream - if set as an IO, any returned data to written to ostream. If it is a String, it is treated as a filename and written to the file. In both these cases the data is not returned as part of the Response object


See test/runtests.jl for sample code


Change the sleep in a loop to using fdwatcher when support for fdwatcher becomes available in mainline