
A Matrix Multiplication Library

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A Matrix Multiplication Library

Clone Repository

You can clone the source code for the Matrix Library Implementation:

git clone https://github.com/mdcovarr/matalgo.git

Software Requirements

In order to build the project you need the following requirements:

cmake3 >= 3.10


For the project I implemented a class Matrix that is capable of creating a object to represent/hold matrix data. I utilized Templates in C++ in order to be able to create Matrix object of integers, doubles, floats, etc.

Overloaded Operators

Overloaded some operators to be capable of multiplying matrices, assign matrices and access the data in the matrices

operator *      // Overloaded to multiply matrices e.g. A * B
operator []     // Overloaded to access row and col of vector data matrix e.g. A[2][3]
operator =      // Overloaded to assign a matrix to another e.g. A = B


Added functions to get information of matrix and to get tranposed representation of matrix.

rowNum()        // Getter which returns the number of rows in a matrix
colNum()        // Getter which returns the number of columns in a matrix
size()          // Getter which returns the full dimension size of the matrix
add()           // Function to add data to the matrix
transpose()     // Function which returns the transposition of a matrix


Build Help

I created a helper script build.sh to help build the project using CMake. The script is capable of building for Development or Deploy. In order to get help of the command line parameters that you can pass to the script, run command:

./build.sh --help

Output of command should have show position and optional arguments like such.

Usage: build.sh [TYPE]

build.sh - Build Matrix Multiplication &  Transposition Library

Positional Arguments:
[TYPE] {deploy, develop}                 sets the mode of build type

Optional Arguments:
-h, --help                       Displays this help menu
-v, --version                   Displays the version

Build Release

To build for deploy/release run command:

./build.sh deploy

This creates executable MatrixAlgo in folder


Build Debug

To build for development, run command:

./build.sh develop

This creates executable MatixAlgo in folder


Run Executable

You can run the MatrixAlgo executable to show you an example of the ability to multiply matrices and to generate the transposition of a matrix.


Matrix Class

The implementation of the Matrix Library capable of doing Matrix Multiplication and Transposition is located at


Matrix Exception Message Helper Class

If there are issues with attemptin to utilize the Matrix library, like multiplying two matrices with incompatable parameters, we need to notify the user of the function. For this we have the helper MatrixError class



The main.cpp file is a script that includes the Matrix.hpp implementation and displays some examples of matrix contents, matrix multiplication and transposition.



The config directory contains the configuration file that CMake utilizes to add version number to the project
