
Example repo showing how to integrate a few visual testing tools in Cypress

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Leveraging Cypress beyond Functional Testing

Supporting materials for my session on OmniTestingConf 2021 where I will share how to leverage Cypress beyond functional testing and showing how we can use various plugins to cover visual testing.



This is an example React app from Stephen Grider's Modern React with Redux udemy course.

The app uses the unsplash API to get photos based on a search term. The first time the image list component renders, it will display the recent photos uploaded in unsplash. The images will then be updated when you type in a search term and click enter. In order to get images from unsplash API, sign up for a free unsplash developer account then the REACT_APP_UNSPLASH_API_KEY must be exported on your terminal.

export REACT_APP_UNSPLASH_API_KEY=your-token-here

// windows
set REACT_APP_UNSPLASH_API_KEY=your-token-here

Getting Started

To get started on the hands-on material, simply clone this repository, cd to the project root and then install the project dependencies by typing in npm i on your chosen terminal.

Running the app

On your terminal, run npm start and then visit https://localhost:3000

Running the Cypress tests

On a separate tab, run npx cypress open or npx cypress run

Visual Tests

This repo shows an example on how to use different visual testing plugins with Cypress.

To run the tests where it's using Applitools, create a free account on Applitools and please export the APPLITOOLS_API_KEY first prior to running the tests.

Then open the Cypress Test Runner and select the applitools folder or on the terminal, run npm run cy:applitools:run.

To run the tests where it's using Cypress Image Snapshot, open the Cypress Test Runner and select the cypress-image-snapshot folder or on the terminal, run npm run cy:image:snapshot:run.

To run the tests where it's using Percy, open the Cypress Test Runner and select the percy folder. When using the Cypress Test Runner, you won't see the Percy snapshots happening as Percy works on CI environment only. To see actual snapshots being sent to Percy Dashboard, on the terminal, run npm run cy:percy:run.