Test Automation for Accessibility (Test Automation University)

This is the github project to use for the Test Automation for Accessibility TAU course. This focuses on how to setup a Cypress project and integrate Cypress-axe as well as Applitools (Contrast Advisor feature).

Installing dependencies

To install project dependencies, just run npm i.

Branches/Lessons Overview

  • main branch - covers the installation of cypress and cypress-axe. This should be used as reference for Chapter 6)
  • first-accessibility-test - includes an example of writing accessibility test with cypress-axe. This should be used as reference for Chapter 7.1
  • testing-specific-elements - includes examples of how to exclude specific elements or only test specific elements on the page. This should be used as reference for Chapter 7.3.
  • disabling-axe-rules - includes examples of how to disable accessibility rules with cypress-axe. This should be used as reference for Chapter 7.4.
  • applitools-contrast-advisor - includes the setup for applitools and should be used as reference for Chapter 8.2.

Cypress Test Runner

To open up the Cypress test runner, please run npx cypress open