
Demonstration of Speech MNIST using a CNN

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CNNs for Speech Recognition

This set of workbooks illustrates how to use CNNs for speech recognition (in a very basic way).

It includes the preprocessing of speech files into separate words, and then building training and test sets from spectrogram 'stamps' for each class. The recognition phase uses a CNN model derived from a basic MNIST model - and shows the 'confusion matrix' as a heat map.

There's pre-baked data for download (although there are only 24 samples of each digit - i.e. 20 to train on - it seems to work pretty well). And some 'extra words', to demonstrate transfer learning using just the speech-MNIST model with an SVM stuck on the end...

Have fun!

Outline of Operations

The steps for running this example are :

  • Record some sound files that you want to categories (the idea here being an MNIST-for-speech)
  • Normalise and package up the data into a 'proper dataset'
  • Train a speech recognition CNN on the dataset, and test how well the model works
  • Train an SVM layer added on the digits model to learn to classify animal (or whatever) words as an example of transfer learning

The first two steps above are addressed in SpeechRecognition_Data.ipynb, while the training part is in SpeechRecognition_Learn.ipynb.

Layout of Data


  • notebooks.ipynb
  • data/
    • num/ (digits get sorted into separate subdirectories here)

      • one/
      • two/
      • three/
      • ...
    • num_ABC.wav (these files have digits 0,1,2,3,...9 in order in it)

    • num_XYZ.ogg

    • num-test.pkl

    • num.pkl

    • animals/ (animals get sorted into separate subdirectories here)

      • cat
      • dog
      • fox
      • ...
    • animals_ABC.wav (these files have 'cat dog fox bird' in them)

    • animals_XYZ.ogg

    • animals-test.pkl

    • animals.pkl

Using the illustration above, the data directory starts with sound files with a series of silence-separated words in them. These are then normalised, chopped up, and then shuffled into directories that contain short .wav files of single word types.

Once that's done, the individual words are then 'imaged' (i.e. converted into spectra) and pickled together into the datasets num.pkl and num-test.pkl (and similarly for animals).

Prebuilt datasets

These can be downloaded from the Red Cat Labs server.

Sound files (simply recorded on my Android phone using Voice Recorder in the Android store):

and the corresponding processed pickle files (for the really lazy):

These should be unpacked (tar -xzf XYZ.tar.gz) from with the REPO/ directory itself (the correct paths are embedded).

Training Process

The SpeechRecognition_Data.ipynb notebook has several parts :

  • Play with the normalization and segmentation of specific files in the data/ directory
  • Normalize and split into individual words all sound files with a specific prefix (eg: num_) in the data/ directory
  • For all the words now in their individual directories (eg: data/num/six/), form the spectrograms (also called 'stamps' here, since they look like stamp-sized pictures), and bundle them together in datasets as .pkl files

This process happens for both num_ and animals_ data.

If you'd like to record your own sound files (or different words, etc), just have a look/listen to some of the examples. It is a deliberately low-tech setup.

Having generated the .pkl files, you can switch attention to SpeechRecognition_Learn.ipynb.

In this notebook, a simple CNN (adapted from something that works for MNIST) is trained up on the numbers. And then tested to make sure the digits are recognised accurately. Note that then number of training examples is extremely low (around 20 examples of each digit, of which ~2 are withheld for the test set).

Having accomplished the main 'aha' learning, there's an extra trick in the next section : Instead of just recognising the digits, let's use the network trained on the numbers to recognise other words.

The way this is done is by 'featurising' some additional word examples, by passing the stamps through the digit recogniser, and then looking at the logit outputs as if they were digits. Then, using those outputs as features, training a separate classifier, and seeing whether that classifier can be used to correctly recognise (in this case) animal words.

Again, the amount of data is really low (perhaps 4-5 examples of each animal). So the main take-away should be that this technique works surprisingly well (i.e. we should be surprised that it works at all).

Speech Synthesis (coming later)

So far, the SpeechSynthesis_Test.ipynb isn't in a useable state - but the idea is to make something related to Tacotron, starting with simplifying the output stage. The current notebook explores whether sounds can be decently reconstructed from spectrograms. Since that seems to work (but by a nasty iterative FFT method), the next step is to learn to do the transformation via a network, potentially trained adversarially.