
Network lab environment for Azure Data Factory, Purview and Synapse

Primary LanguageBicep

Adf-Purview-Synapse Lab

A lab environment for network experimentation with Azure Data Factory, Purview and Synapse.



Log in to Azure Cloud Shell at https://shell.azure.com/ and select Bash.

Ensure Azure CLI and extensions are up to date:

az upgrade --yes

If necessary select your target subscription:

az account set --subscription <Name or ID of subscription>

Clone the GitHub repository:

git clone https://github.com/mddazure/adf-purview-synapse-lab

Change directory:

cd ./adf-purview-synapse-lab

Deploy the bicep template:

az deployment sub create --name lab --location westeurope --template-file main.bicep


All components are deployed in a single Resource Group named adf-pvw-syn.

The lab assumes that the RG adf-pvw-syn-linkedservices, with storage accounts as shown, is already in place.

Data services

The template creates ADF, Purview and Synapse accounts. Public Network Access is set to Enabled, so that the Studio portal of each is publically accessible.

The template provisions Self-hosted Integration Runtimes in the ADF and Synapse accounts. Purview does not have the capability to provision Self-hosted Integration Runtimes via code.

The ADF account has Linked Services to the storage accounts in the adf-pvw-syn-linkedservices RG.

The Synapse account has a Default Data Lake Storage link to the data lake account.

The lab also enables experimentation with accessing on-prem services from ADF, as described in How to access on-premises SQL Server from Data Factory Managed VNet using Private Endpoint. It contains all components described in this article, except for the on-premise SQL server VM. This needs to deployed separately from the Marketplace. The nat VM in the Hub still needs to be configured as described in the article.

VNETs with Self-hosted runtime VMs

The template deploys VNETs containing the adfShir, pvwShir and synShir VMs respectively.

The VMs are created from an image that already contains the Self-hosted Integration Runtime executable. The image is stored in an Image Gallery which cannot be shared generally; please contact me if you want to use this image. Alternatively, modify the shirVnets.bicep and hubVnet.bicep template files to use a standard Marketplace image and install the Self-hosted Integration Runtime manually.

Each of the Shir VMs needs to be configured to connect to its respective service, per the documentation for ADF, Purview and Synapse.

VM Credentials:

adminUsername = AzureAdmin

adminPassword = Adfpvwsyn-21

ADF Managed VNET

The template creates an ADF Managed VNET with Managed IR and a Managed Private Endpoint to the Private Link Service in the Hub VNET are deployed.


The Hub VNET is peered with each of the Shir VNETs. It contains a central Bastion instance, a VM (credentials above) and a VNET Gateway with OpenVPN P2S configuration.

The Hub VNET contains Private Endpoints connected to the blob storage and data lake accounts. Private DNS zones contain A records for the PEs and are linked to the Hub VNET and the Shir VNETs.

The Hub VNET contains an Internal Load Balancer with Private Link Service, to enable a Managed Private Endpoint to connect into the hub.

The lab deployment configured the data services for public access. When they are reconfigured for private access, a P2S VPN connection can be used to connect via Private Endpoints.

Connecting to Private Endpoints requires DNS resolution. The hub VNET is set to use the hub VM as its DNS, and the hub VM is configured as a DNS forwarder to the Azure VNET resolver at

The Hub VNET VPN Gateway is configured for OpenVPN with certicate authentication. Install the Azure VPN Client and modify the configuration for DNS resolution vua the hub VM as follows:

  • Download and extract the VPN client file from the portal
  • Install the Azure VPN client from the Microsoft Store
  • Browse to the extracted Azure VPN Client folder and open the azurevpnconfig.xml file in an editor such as Visual Studio Code or Notepad++
  • Modify the file by inserting below lines, just below line 21 </dnsservers>
  • In the Azure VPN Client, click on the '+' in the lower left corner, and select the azurevpnconfig.xml just modified
  • Install the certificate by double clicking and accepting the wizard defaults. The private key password is 'Nienke04'.
  • In the Azure VPN Client, click Connect.

Onprem VNET

The Onprem VNET is connected to the Hub via a S2S VPN connection with BGP.