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EJS, Server side template injection ejs@3.1.9 Latest
#720 opened by pperk - 1
[Nest.js + EJS Template] getting Error: Cannot find module 'ejs' deploy on vercel
#775 opened by Govindsavaliya - 1
closing tag is removed even when no opening tag before => troublesome for CSS
#773 opened by bfredo123 - 2
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include is not a function
#772 opened by mrranger - 3
ejs:3.1.10 Vulnerability
#770 opened by AES-SL - 1 explained
#768 opened by ertygiq - 2
Include partial inside of another partial
#765 opened by gdk16 - 0
async option is not true async 3.1.10
#764 opened by crh3675 - 3
Add a precompile step
#743 opened by terrablue - 1
uglify is not recognized
#763 opened by davidmoonraw - 2
jake aborted - unable to make/build ejs
#762 opened by davidmoonraw - 4
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Eval issue; "data is not defined"
#754 opened by originalbluef3x - 1
How can we automate dependencies update in project with placeholders? EJS
#753 opened by artemptushkin - 3
Is there a way to use ejs on the front-end?
#752 opened by socreative - 1
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global scope of variables
#749 opened by Valeri-afk - 2
Cannot read properties of null if CSS is linked
#751 opened by tzwel - 1
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I just can’t solve the problem with include, I tried different methods, different syntaxes
#748 opened by mrranger - 1
<%-%> auto converting \n in <br>
#747 opened by agrobens - 1
Fetching Include from a database?
#745 opened by kylecribbs - 2
Functions do not return embedded HTML
#742 opened by pautasso - 0
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EJS CLI -watch Option
#739 opened by Ownedunkn - 2
extend and block feature in ejs
#713 opened by mdtausifiqbal - 0
vulnerable undefined property lookup that escalating prototype pollution to remote code execution
#730 opened by jackfromeast - 1
Value cannot be passed from Javascript to EJS, so how can I achieve it with another way?
#738 opened by duruburak - 1
How to fix CVE-2023-29827 ?
#737 opened by kraison1 - 5
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bug found
#725 opened by pangqianjin - 1
HTML comment with an embedded EJS scriptlet [<% ... %>] causing error:[SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.' in __dirname+\views\list.ejs while compiling ejs]
#734 opened by RahulYavvari - 1
Vulnerability CVE-2023-29827 in ejs 3.1.9
#733 opened by brampurnot - 1
CVE-2023-29827 - ejs v3.1.9 is vulnerable to server-side template injection
#732 opened by WilliamRADFunk - 1
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High CVE for latest version of ejs@3.1.9
#727 opened by sonu-jmh - 1
unexpected token (60:35) in ejs
#726 opened by kali64amd - 0
Codemirror Language Extension
#724 opened by GCSBOSS - 2
Can Ejs be used in a Chrome Extension?
#723 opened by MRYingLEE - 1
Q: Variables on <%- include("file.ejs") %>
#722 opened by ismael1222 - 4
ENOENT : no such file or directory
#721 opened by gituserjava - 0
VScode debug EJS files of HEXO theme?
#717 opened by lorezyra - 6
#715 opened by AngeloCore - 1
Not able to start the text from new page
#716 opened by EvolverPawan - 1
Use vanilla js (browser) content in ejs
#714 opened by AngeloCore - 1
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1 high severity vulnerability
#710 opened by shimonbrandsdorfer