
A graph partition optimization project

Primary LanguagePython

Graph partition optimization

From a non oriented graph, possibly weighted in R. The principal objective is to partition the graph into p classes, so that the sum of the weights between vertices not belonging to the same class is minimal. Moreover, it's necessary to ensure that the vertices of the graph are distributed in a (more or less) equitable way in the p classes. And finally establish what is the best method to solve this problem.

Python script

python3 src/main.py [filePath] [options]
CLI arguments will be used to set the parameters of the algorithm as follows:
  -h, --help: print this help message
  -e, --enum: perform basic enumeration
  -g, --gradient: perform gradient descent
  -m1, --meta1: perform simulated annealing
  -m2, --meta2: perform tabu search
  -t, --time: set the time limit for the algorithm in seconds (default: 600)
  -c, --class: set the number of classes to be considered (default: 2)
  -s, --size: set the size of the neighborhood (default: all the neighborhood)
  only for gradient descent or metaheuristics.


python3 -m cProfile -s tottime src/main.py [filePath] [options]

for perfomance.

Shell script for benchmarking (test all the instances)

Before running the script make sure to do: chmod u+x src/benchmark.sh

Usage: ./benchmark.sh [dataDir] [solDir] [algo] [timeLimit] [k] [sizeNeighborhood]
where algo can be one of these:
timeLimit is the time limit in seconds,
k is the number of partitions (default: 2),
and sizeNeighborhood is the size of the neighborhood,
only for the meta-heuristics (default: all the neighborhoods).

PS: you can find the dependencies for the result.ipynb notebook in the pyproject.toml file.