Satellite Placement
Suppose you have a set of N
satellites and k
targets on Earth that you
want to observe. Each of your satellites has varying capabilities for Earth
observation; in particular, the amount of ground that they can observe for a
set amount of time is different. Since there are k
targets, you would like
to have k
constellations to monitor said targets. How do you group your
satellites into k
constellations such that the average coverage of each
constellation is maximized? This is the question that we will be addressing in
this demo!
Note: in this demo we are assuming that N
is a multiple of k
To run the demo,
It will print out a set of satellite constellations.
Code Overview
The idea is to consider all possible combinations of satellites, eliminate constellations with particularly low coverage, and encourage the following type of solutions:
- Constellations that have better coverage
- Satellites to only join one constellation
- A specific number of constellations in our final solution (i.e. encourage the
solution to have
Code Specifics
- The
- used to determine bad constellations - was assigned an arbitrarily picked number - In the code, we add weights to each constellation such that we are favoring
constellations with a high average coverage (aka high score). This is done
bqm.add_variable(frozenset(constellation), -score)
. Observe that we are usingfrozenset(constellation)
as the variable rather than simplyconstellation
as- We need our variable to be a set (i.e. the order of the satellites in a
constellation should not matter,
{a, b, c} == {c, a, b}
). In addition,add_variable(..)
needs its variables to be immutable, hence, we are usingfrozenset
rather than simplyset
. - Since are there are more ways to form the set
{a, b, c}
than the set{a, a, a} -> {a}
, the set{'a', 'b', 'c'}
will accumulate a more negative score and thus be more likely to get selected. This is desired as we do not want duplicate items within our constellation. (Note: by "more ways to form the set", I am referring to how(b, c, a)
and(a, c, b)
are tuples that would map to the same set, where as(a, a, a)
would be the only 3-tuple that would map to the set{a}
- We need our variable to be a set (i.e. the order of the satellites in a
constellation should not matter,
G. Bass, C. Tomlin, V. Kumar, P. Rihaczek, J. Dulny III. Heterogeneous Quantum Computing for Satellite Constellation Optimization: Solving the Weighted K-Clique Problem. 2018 Quantum Sci. Technol. 3 024010.
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