
A Pong clone to explore the development process of a real-time interactive Web App using ASP.NET Blazor WebAssembly.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


A Pong clone to explore the development process of a real-time interactive Web App using ASP.NET Blazor WebAssembly.


Play Online

To automatically deploy to GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions I followed this awesome tutorial.

Play Locally

  1. Install Microsoft .NET SDK 6.0

  2. Clone Project from GitHub

  3. Start Host from CLI (in Project Root Folder)

    $ dotnet run

  4. Play in Browser: http://localhost:5000

Play from Docker Container w/ NGINX as web server

  1. Install Docker Desktop

  2. Clone Project from GitHub

  3. Run as Docker Service (in Project Root Folder):

    $ docker-compose up -d

  4. Play in Browser: http://localhost:5000

Helpful information about containerizing BlazorWASM apps can be found here.

Code Layout

  • Views/ contains front-end UI using Blazor components

    • Views/Components/ contains reusable UI components
    • Views/Pages/ contains routable pages
  • Services/ contains back-end game related objects implemented as ASP.NET services managed by dependency injection system

  • wwwroot/ contains static web files e.g. css, images, and bootstrap5 front-end toolkit
