
OpenTracing Support for Monix Task using TaskLocal

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

Monix OpenTracing

Monix OpenTracing adds support for OpenTracing when using Monix Task. This library provides various ways of how you can integrate OpenTracing into your application


Unlike solutions like this, Monix Opentracing is designed to work with how the OpenTracing ecosystem expects Spans and SpanContext's to be used (which means its side-effecting).

The reason for this is because of issues experienced when propagating the context either by using purely functional solutions (such as Reader/ReaderT) or using Scala's implicits, which often come down to extensibility/ecosystem interoperability.

As an example, if you use Reader/ReaderT or implicits to carry your Span/SpanContext around then your entire ecosystem has to do the same thing. This means you also have to be able to modify your downstream dependencies (to use your SpanContext) in order to properly align your traces.

This works fine if you have complete control over the ecosystem (i.e. the source of all of your dependencies) but fails otherwise.

To avoid this problem, Monix Opentracing uses monix-execution Local which is the equivalent of a Java ThreadLocal but has support for suspension on effectful operations along with greater scoping abilities. Essentially this means you don't have to explicitly pass your SpanContext everywhere.

Note that the core of monix-opentracing only relies on Local from monix-execution which is separate from Monix's Task. Theoretically any lazy IO type can work with monix-opentracing as long as it has support for threading the monix-execution Local via async boundaries (currently only Monix Task has such support).


Add the following into SBT

libraryDependencies ++= List(
  "org.mdedetrich" %% "monix-opentracing" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"

Usage with Monix Task

There are various ways to work with OpenTracing, depending on how "automatic" you want the integration to be.

Firstly in order to use monix-opentracing with Monix Task you need to enable TaskLocal in your Task, there are multiple ways to do this

  • You can import the Task.defaultOptions.enableLocalContextPropagation implicit and use runToFutureOpt
  • Applying a transformation .executeWithOptions(_.enableLocalContextPropagation) on each Task that uses a Local
  • Setting system property monix.environment.localContextPropagation to 1

If you are mixing usage of Future with Task (i.e. setting and getting spans in both Future and Task) you also should disable local context isolation on run, here are the ways of doing his. Note that this requires at least Monix 3.2.0

  • You can import the Task.defaultOptions.enableLocalContextPropagation.disableLocalContextIsolateOnRun implicit and use runToFutureOpt
  • Applying a transformation .executeWithOptions(_.enableLocalContextPropagation.disableLocalContextIsolateOnRun) on each Task that uses a Local
  • Setting system property monix.environment.disableLocalContextIsolateOnRun to 1

Using the Scope Manager

OpenTracing provides an abstraction called the ScopeManager which is used to mange the scoping of OpenTracing. There is a basic tutorial here which specifies how you can set up a custom scope manager.

monix-opentracing provides two different ScopeManagers which are analogous to the ones provided by opentracing, these are

  • LocalScopeManager (analogous to ScopeManager)
  • AutoFinishLocalScopeManager (analogous to AutoFinishScopeManager)

All you need to do is to configure your Tracer to use one of the above ScopeManager's rather then the default one.

Using Task directly

In order to use Task support directly you need to add the following dependency

libraryDependencies ++= List(
  "org.mdedetrich" %% "monix-opentracing-task" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"