Redlink Push SDK for iOS

About SDK

A Flutter plugin to use the Redlink Push Notifications.

Getting Started


  • Existing Flutter project
  • Active Redlink account


Android Integration

To integrate your plugin into the Android part of your app, follow these steps:

Firebase platform integration

Redlink push is based on firebase platform. To configure it on Android check the documentation

Gradle setup

Add required tokens to *.xml resources, obtained from the Redlink dashboard.

<string name="redlink_app_id"></string>
<string name="redlink_token"></string>
<string name="redlink_secret"></string>
<string name="redlink_events_token"></string>

Add required firebase sender id, obtained from the Firebase dashboard (Settings -> Cloud Messaging -> Sender ID)

<string name="fcm_sender_id"></string>

SDK initializes automatically, there are no other actions required.

iOS Integration


  • Valid iOS Push Token
  • Physical iOS device (Push services doesn't work in Simulator)
  • Redlink account with AppId, Token, Secret and Events Token
  • Application with deployment target equal or above iOS 10.0

Add RedlinkConfig.plist

  • Select in Xcode File -> New -> File
  • Under Resource section select Property List
  • Fill SaveAs with name RedlinkConfig.plist and select Targets (should be both, project_name and project_nameNotificationServiceExtension)
  • Right click on added RedlinkConfig.plist and select Open As -> Source Code
  • Add following code instead of original one
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
  • Replace your_application_id, your_application_token, your_application_secret and your_application_events_token with variables obtained from Redlink dashboard.

Add Notification Service Extension (Optional)

Notification Service Extension gives the app capability to render media content within push notification view in Notification Center.

  • In Xcode select File -> New -> Target
  • Select Notification Service Extension and press Next
  • Fill in Product Name with NotificationServiceExtension
  • Select Swift under Language section (Even if your project is written in Obj-C)
  • Skip Activate scheme alert using Cancel
  • Remove a class body generated by Xcode, import Redlink framework and use RedlinkNotificationServiceExtension as a superClass. Your extension should now look like this:
import Redlink

class NotificationServiceExtension: RedlinkNotificationServiceExtension {


Dart/Flutter Integration

To use this plugin, add redlink_flutter_sdk as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

    redlink_flutter_sdk: ^1.0.5


From your Dart code, you need to import the plugin and instantiate it:

import 'package:redlink_flutter_sdk/redlink_messaging.dart';

final RedlinkMessaging _redlinkMessaging = RedlinkMessaging();

User Identification

In order to update information about user use RedlinkUser.setUser method. You can change each of the following data fields:

  • email String
  • phone String
  • firstName String
  • lastName String


  • email requires valid email format
  • email, companyName, firstName, lastName can be up to 64 length characters
    firstName: 'User's name',
    lastName: 'User's last name',
    email: 'User's email address',
    phoneNumber: 'User's phone number',

User Removal

There is also posibility to remove all stored user data. To do that call:


If you want also to unsubscribe user from Redlink Push Notification Services you can also use additional parameter while removing user like so:

RedlinkUser().removeUser(deletePushToken: true)

Events Creation

In order to track custom user events use RedlinkAnalytics class. It can be accessed by using trackEvent static method:

static void trackEvent({
    @required String eventName,
    @required Map<String, dynamic> parameters,
    String userData,

Each event is identified by eventName property. You can also provide additional parameters to an event by populating parameters map argument. Parameters are of type [String: Any] - where Any is String or Int or Bool or Date. Any other type of value will be ignored and removed automatically.


  • EventName can be up to 64 length characters Besides paramaters you can inject userData as Valid JSON String:

Handling Push Notifications

General information

Register onMessage callback via _redlinkMessaging.configure() to listen for incoming messages. This will bring up a permissions dialog for the user to confirm on iOS. It's a no-op on Android.


Deeplinking works using the official Platform SDK. In order to handle received URL's use:

      onMessage: (Map<String, dynamic> message) async {
        print("onMessage: $message");

message will provide information about any information your application might react on by showing additional screen.

Demo application

Check out the example directory for a sample app and see how to integrate Redlink Push Notifications.