
Swift CoreDataManager for multithreading environments

Primary LanguageSwift


Swift CoreDataManager for multithreading environments. This is running under XCode 6 beta - please notice this.

Multithreading in CoreData

This Swift CoreData Manager can handle multi-threading. You can access to CoreData entities from different threads or GCD dispatches closures without problems.

How to use it?

As simple as copying the file CoreDataManager.swift into your project.

This manager uses the singleton pattern in order to be able of handle different NSManagedObjectContexts per thread automatically.


Fetch Methods

  • executeFetchRequest(request:)

Fetches results synchronously

    var request: NSFetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "MonkeyEntity")
    var myMonkeys:NSArray? = CoreDataManager.shared.executeFetchRequest(request)
  • executeFetchRequest(request:, completionHandler:)

Fetches with a completionHandler that returns an array with results asynchronously.

    var myMonkeys:NSArray?
    var request: NSFetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "MonkeyEntity")
    CoreDataManager.shared.executeFetchRequest(request) { results in
        myMonkeys = results!

Save Method

  • save()

Saves the context, it doesn't matters the thread.


Delete Method

  • deleteEntity(object:)

Deletes the NSManagedObject sent

    CoreDataManager.shared.deleteEntity(item as MonkeyEntity)


Tests are provided to check the performance under a stress case.