
A Telegram bot for rolling Savage Worlds dice

Primary LanguageJava


Master Branch codecov

This Telegram bot allows rolling one or more savage worlds RPG dice.

Building the project

The project uses a Gradle wrapper, so it's required to install the following build dependencies:

  • Java JDK 8 or above
  • An Java-based IDE, such as IntelliJ

To connect to Telegram APIs you will need a valid token, please create a .env file at the root directory of your project (is excluded by Git), it will be used to communicate with Telegram. Please see sample.env.

Compiling the project

  • Linux or Mac:
$ ./gradlew compileJava
  • Windows:
$ ./gradlew.bat compileJava


  • Linux or Mac:
$ ./gradlew jar
  • Windows:
$ ./gradlew.bat jar

The result will be a .JAR file located in the build/libs directory (ignored by Git)

Test execution

Unit tests are located under the test directory:

  • Linux or Mac:
$ ./gradlew test
  • Windows:
$ ./gradlew.bat test