WeDeploy sample Portlet

This a WeDeploy sample Portlet, created to demonstrate how to deploy Liferay applications to the Liferay service on WeDeploy.

Configuring for WeDeploy

To generate the WeDeploy configuration files please execute:

# Generates the configuration files (container.json)
./gradlew clean configureWedeploy

It will create the container.json file with the following entries:

  • id: The public identificator of the service. Default value is liferay.
  • type: The image type that will generate the Liferay service. Default value is wedeploy/liferay:bet
  • hooks: The build hook is added to perform a build inside
  • storage: The volume that will be persisted between redeployments of the same service. Default value is LIFERAY_HOME directory, /usr/local/liferay-ce-portal-7.0-ga4.

Deploying to Liferay

After generating the configuration files, commit them into your git repository, and execute the WeDeploy CLI:

# Creates the services on WeDeploy
we deploy

The project will be created in WeDeploy, with the application running there for you!

Sample WeDeploy Portlet