
⚠️ Warning: This project is no longer actively maintained and was created specifically for previous Darumatic clients.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest) Docker Image Version (by tag)

Darumatic Apigee CICD Docker Image

This Dockerfile builds a Docker image based on Alpine with various tools and libraries required for working with Apigee in a CICD environment. The image includes the following components:

  • Python 3 and its dependencies
  • Global NPM packages
  • Git-crypt
  • Git-secret


The following dependencies are installed in the Docker image:

  • Python 3 and its development headers
  • GCC, GFortran, Musl, and G++
  • Libffi, OpenSSL, and their development headers
  • LibXML2, LibXSLT, and their development headers
  • LibJPEG-Turbo and Zlib development headers
  • NPM
  • Git
  • Make
  • Coreutils
  • GnuPG and Gawk
  • Bash

Installed Packages

The following Python packages are installed:

  • apigeecli (version 0.51.1 or higher)

The following NPM packages are installed globally:

  • apigeelint
  • newman


To pull the Docker image from Docker Hub, run the following command:

docker pull darumatic/apigee-cicd:latest

To run a container using the pulled image, run the following command:

docker run -it --rm darumatic/apigee-cicd:latest /bin/bash

This will start a new container and open an interactive Bash shell inside it. The working directory inside the container is set to /home/apigee.


This Dockerfile is maintained by Matthew Delotavo:

Email: matthew@darumatic.com