
A small library for locking gpus on a single machine.

Primary LanguagePython

GPU Lock

A small library for locking gpus on a single machine.


To run a program on the gpu use:

gpu_run my_program my_args

To see who has locked which gpu run


If somehow your process dies without releasing its lock (gpu_lock_info will tell you if this has happened) then


will release all of your locks where the owning process is no longer running.

If all else fails, go muck about in /var/lock/gpu/, but be careful :)


Install with pip

pip install git+https://github.com/mdenil/gpu_lock

so you can uninstall later with pip uninstall gpu_lock or clone the repo and run python setup.py install.

Create /var/lock/gpu and make sure it is writeable by everyone who will be locking gpus (you need to be root to do this).

sudo mkdir /var/lock/gpu
sudo chmod a+w /var/lock/gpu

Create a file /etc/profile.d/gpu_lock.sh with the following line:


(or add it to /etc/bashrc). This will stop people from accidentally running on an unlocked gpu. Nothing will stop a malicious person from working around this.

You may also want to create /etc/profile.d/gpu_lock.csh with