
Add an AngularJS admin GUI to any RESTful API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ng-admin Build Status

Plug me to your RESTFul API to get a complete administration tool (CRUD, multi-model relationships, dashboard, complex form widgets) in no time!


Check out the online demo (source), and the launch post.


Retrieve the module from bower:

bower install ng-admin --save

Include the ng-admin CSS, and the ng-admin JS (after the angular.js JS):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/bower_components/ng-admin/build/ng-admin.min.css">
<script src="/path/to/bower_components/angular/angular.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/path/to/bower_components/ng-admin/build/ng-admin.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Make your application depend on it:

var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ng-admin']);

Configure ng-admin:

app.config(function (NgAdminConfigurationProvider, Application, Entity, Field, Reference, ReferencedList,
                         ReferenceMany, DashboardView, ListView, CreateView, EditView, DeleteView) {
    // See below for more information about the configuration

    var app = new Application('My backend')
        .addEntity(/* ... */)
            .addView(new DashboardView('dashboard').addField(/**/))
            .addView(new ListView('post-list').addField(/**/))
            .addView(new CreateView('post-create').addField(/**/))
            .addView(new EditView('post-update').addField(/**/))
            .addView(new DeleteView('post-delete'));
        /* ... */


Your application should use a ui-view:

<div ui-view></div>

Example Configuration

We chose to define the entities & views directly in JavaScript to allow greater freedom in the configuration.

Here is a full example for a backend that will let you create, update, and delete some posts (posts entity). Those posts can be tagged (tags entity) and commented (comments entity).

var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ng-admin']);

app.config(function (NgAdminConfigurationProvider, Application, Entity, Field, Reference, ReferencedList,
                     ReferenceMany, DashboardView, ListView, CreateView, EditView, DeleteView) {

    var app = new Application('ng-admin backend demo') // application main title
        .baseApiUrl('http://localhost:3000/'); // main API endpoint

    // define all entities at the top to allow references between them
    var post = new Entity('posts'); // the API endpoint for posts will be http://localhost:3000/posts/:id

    var comment = new Entity('comments')
        .identifier(new Field('id')) // you can optionally customize the identifier used in the api ('id' by default)
        .addMappedField(new Field('post_id')); // a field to be read from the API, even if not displayed in any view (used later in template field)

    var tag = new Entity('tags');

    // set the application entities

    function truncate(value) {
        if (!value) return '';
        return value.length > 50 ? value.substr(0, 50) + '...' : value;

    function pagination(page, maxPerPage) {
        return { _start: (page - 1) * maxPerPage, _end: page * maxPerPage }; // how the pagination should be reflected as API query params

    // customize entities and views
        .order(1) // post should be the first item in the sidebar menu
        .addView(new DashboardView('post-dashboard') // initialize a view with a name to ease routing
            .order(1) // display the post panel first in the dashboard
            .limit(5) // limit the panel to the 5 latest posts
            .pagination(pagination) // use the custom pagination function to format the API request correctly
            .title('Recent posts')
            .addField(new Field('title').map(truncate))
        .addView(new ListView('post-list') // initialize the datagrid
            .title('All posts') // default title is "List of posts"
            .addField(new Field('id').label('ID'))
            .addField(new Field('title')) // the default list field type is "string", and displays as a string
            .addField(new ReferenceMany('tags') // a Reference is a particular type of field that references another entity
                .targetEntity(tag) // the tag entity is defined later in this file
                .targetField(new Field('name')) // the field to be displayed in this list
        .addView(new CreateView('post-create') // initialize the creation form
            .title('Add a new post') // default title is "Create a post"
            .addField(new Field('title')) // the default edit field type is "string", and displays as a text input
            .addField(new Field('body').type('wysiwyg')) // overriding the type allows rich text editing for the body
        .addView(new EditView('post-edit') // initialize the edition form
            .addField(new Field('title'))
            .addField(new Field('body').type('wysiwyg'))
            .addField(new ReferenceMany('tags')
                .targetField(new Field('name'))
            .addField(new ReferencedList('comments')
                    new Field('id'),
                    new Field('body').label('Comment')
        .addView(new DeleteView('post-delete') // initialize the deletion confirmation page
            .title('Delete a post')

        .order(2) // comment should be the second item in the sidebar menu
        .addView(new DashboardView('comment-dashboard')
            .order(2) // display the comment panel second in the dashboard
            .title('Last comments')
            .addField(new Field('id'))
            .addField(new Field('body').label('Comment').map(truncate))
            .addField(new Field() // template fields don't need a name
                .type('template') // a field which uses a custom template
                .template(function () { // template() can take a function or a string
                    return '<custom-post-link></custom-post-link>'; // you can use custom directives, too
        .addView(new ListView('comment-list')
            .description('List of all comments with an infinite pagination') // description appears under the title
            .addField(new Field('id').label('ID'))
            .addField(new Reference('post_id')
                .label('Post title')
                .targetField(new Field('title'))
            .addField(new Field('body').map(truncate))
            .addField(new Field('created_at').label('Creation date').type('date'))
            .addQuickFilter('Today', function () { // a quick filter displays a button to filter the list based on a set of query parameters passed to the API
                var now = new Date(),
                    year = now.getFullYear(),
                    month = now.getMonth() + 1,
                    day = now.getDate();
                month = month < 10 ? '0' + month : month;
                day = day < 10 ? '0' + day : day;
                return {
                    created_at: [year, month, day].join('-') // ?created_at=... will be appended to the API call
        .addView(new CreateView('comment-create')
            .addField(new Reference('post_id')
                .label('Post title')
                .targetField(new Field('title'))
            .addField(new Field('body').type('wysiwyg'))
        .addView(new EditView('comment-edit')
            .addField(new Reference('post_id')
                .label('Post title')
                .targetField(new Field('title'))
            .addField(new Field('body').type('wysiwyg'))
            .addField(new Field('created_at').label('Creation date').type('date'))
            .addField(new Field()
                .template('<custom-post-link></custom-post-link>') // template() can take a function or a string
        .addView(new DeleteView('comment-delete')
            .title('Delete a comment')

        .addView(new DashboardView('tag-dashboard')
            .title('Recent tags')
            .addField(new Field('id').label('ID'))
            .addField(new Field('name'))
            .addField(new Field('published').label('Is published ?').type('boolean'))
        .addView(new ListView('tags-list')
            .title('List of all tags')
            .infinitePagination(false) // by default, the list view uses infinite pagination. Set to false to use regulat pagination
            .addField(new Field('id').label('ID'))
            .addField(new Field('name'))
            .addField(new Field('published').type('boolean'))
            .addField(new Field('custom')
                .label('Upper name')
                .template(function () {
                    return '{{ entry.values.name.toUpperCase() }}';
        .addView(new CreateView('tags-create')
            .addField(new Field('name')
                    "required": true,
                    "max-length" : 150
            .addField(new Field('published').type('boolean'))
        .addView(new EditView('tags_edit')
            .addField(new Field('name').editable(false))
            .addField(new Field('published').type('boolean'))
        .addView(new DeleteView('tags-delete')
            .title('Delete a tag')


View Configuration

View Types

  • DashboardView: display a block in the dashboard
  • ListView: main list view
  • CreateView: creation form
  • EditView: edition form
  • DeleteView: deletion view

General View Settings

  • title(String) The title of the view.

  • description(String) A text displayed below the title.

  • extraParams(function|Object) Add extras params to each API request.

  • headers(function|Object) Add headers to each API request.

  • interceptor(function) Used to transform data from the API into an array of element.

DashboardView Settings

  • order(Number) Defines the order Dashboard panel in the dashboard

ListView Settings

  • perPage(Number) Defines the number of element displayed in a page

  • pagination(function) Defines parameters used to paginate the API:

      myView.pagination(function(page, maxPerPage) {
          return {
              begin: (page - 1) * maxPerPage, 
              end: page * maxPerPage
  • filterQuery(function) Defines parameters used to query the API:

      myView.filterQuery(function(q) {
          return { query: q };
  • filterQuery(function) Defines parameters used to query the API. See below.

  • infinitePagination(boolean) Enable or disable lazy loading.

  • totalItems(function) Define a function that return the total of items:

      myView.totalItems(function(response) {
          return response.headers('X-Total-Count');
  • sortParams(function) Defines parameters used to sort the API:

      myView.sortParams(function(field, dir) {
          return {
              params: { _sort: field, _sortDir: dir },
              headers: {}

    You can add quick filters on a list view with:

      myView.addQuickFilter('Today', function () {
          var now = new Date(),
              year = now.getFullYear(),
              month = now.getMonth() + 1,
              day = now.getDate();
          month = month < 10 ? '0' + month : month;
          day = day < 10 ? '0' + day : day;
          return {
              created_at: [year, month, day].join('-')

    Quickfilters can be customised with the filterParams of the ListView:

      myView.filterParams(function (param) {
         if (param) {
             param.abc = '';
         return param;


A field is the representation of a property of an entity.

Field Classes

  • Field: simple field (possible types: number, string, text, boolean, wysiwyg, email, date, choice, choices, template)
  • Reference: one-to-many association with another entity
  • ReferencedList: many-to-one association
  • ReferenceMany: many-to-many association

General Field Settings

  • type(string ['number'|'string'|'text'|'boolean'|'wysiwyg'|'email'|'date'|'choice'|'choices'|'template']) Define the field type. Default type is 'string', so you can omit it.

  • label(string label) Define the label of the field. Defaults to the uppercased field name.

  • displayed(boolean) Should the field be displayed in the view ? Useful when we need to retrieve data for custom field

  • editable(boolean) Define if the field is editable in the edition form. Usefult to display a field without allowing edition (e.g for creation date).

  • order(number|null) Define the position of the field in the view.

  • format(string ['yyyy-MM-dd' by default]) Define the format for date type.

  • isEditLink(boolean) Tell if the value is a link in the list view. Default to true for the identifier field, false otherwise.

  • choices([{value: '', label: ''}, ...]) Define array of choices for choice` type. A choice has both a value and a label.

  • map(function) Define a custom function to transform the value. Works in list and edit views.

      myView.addField(new Field('characters')
          .map(function truncate(value) {
              return value.length > 50 ? value.substr(0, 50) + '...' : value;

    Multiple map can be defined for a field:

      myView.addField(new Field('comment')
  • validation(object) Tell how to validate the view

  • required: boolean
  • validator: function(value){}
  • min-length: number
  • max-length: number
  • defaultValue(*) Define the default value of the field in the creation form.

  • template(*) Define the template to be displayed (can be a string or a function).



The Reference type also defines label, order, map, list & validation options like the Field type.

  • targetEntity(Entity) Define the referenced entity.

  • targetLabel(string) Define the target field name used to retrieve the label of the referenced element.

      myView.addField(new Reference('post_id')
          .label('Post title')
          .map(truncate) // Allows to truncate values in the select
          .targetEntity(post) // Select a target Entity
          .targetField(new Field('title')) // Select a label Field


The ReferencedList type also defines label, order, map, list & validation options like the Field type.

  • targetEntity(Entity) Define the referenced entity.

  • targetReferenceField(string) Define the field name used to link the referenced entity.

  • targetFields(Array(Field)) Define an array of fields that will be displayed in the list of the form.

      myEditView.addField(new ReferencedList('comments') // Define a N-1 relationship with the comment entity
          .targetEntity(comment) // Target the comment Entity
          .targetReferenceField('post_id') // Each comment with post_id = post.id (the identifier) will be displayed
          .targetFields([ // Display comment field to display
              new Field('id').label('ID'),
              new Field('body').label('Comment')


The ReferenceMany type also defines label, order, map & validation options like the Field type.

  • targetEntity(Entity) Define the referenced entity.

  • targetField(Field) Define the field name used to link the referenced entity.

      myView.addField(new ReferenceMany('tags')
         .targetEntity(tag) // Targeted entity
         .targetField(new Field('name')) // Label Field to display in the list


Concatenate and minify the app with:

grunt build


Tests are launched with karma by grunt:

grunt test

A new build/ng-admin.min.js file will be created.


Your feedback about the usage of ng-admin in your specific context is valuable, don't hesitate to open GitHub Issues for any problem or question you may have.

All contributions are welcome. New applications or options should be tested with make test command.


ng-admin is licensed under the MIT Licence, courtesy of marmelab.