
A Grunt task which generates a React component from a Fontello icon set

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Generates a react component from a fontello SVG icon. View the demo here.

Getting started

You can either download your font manually into your application or use the CLI to fetch your font on build and then use Grunt with these possible options.


module.exports = function(grunt) {
        'fontello-react': {
            target: {
                options: {}
            another-target: {
                options: {}

Then run grunt fontello-react:target.

You can see a working Gruntfile.js in this repository. Simply follow these steps to run it.


Paths are relative to the location of your Gruntfile.js.

    adapter: 'fontello', // Only adapter available currently
    svgPath: './font/fontello.svg', // Path to SVG
    woffPath: './font/fontello.woff', // Path to WOFF
    eotPath: './font/fontello.eot', // Path to EOT
    ttfPath: './font/fontello.ttf', // Path to TTF
    fontName: 'fontello', // Font name to use in CSS 'font-style'
    jsTplPath: './src/templates/custom-js.tpl', // React component template (to use your own)
    cssTplPath: './src/templates/custom-css.tpl', // CSS template (to use your own)
    jsOutputPath: './dist/components/view.js', // Location of React component output
    cssOutputPath: './dist/components/css.css' // Location of CSS output


In your application simply require the generated component.

var React = require('react'),
    Icon = require('./the/output/component.js');

// CSS may need to be included seperately if using the non CSS module template.

    <Icon name="name-of-icon"/>,


The templates which are used to generate the output are here. One uses the default CSS you get in the fontello download. The other uses modified CSS to work with Webpacks css-loader. They use underscore.


  • npm install
  • npm install grunt-cli -g
  • grunt
  • npm install webpack -g
  • webpack --config=webpack.default.config.js

Open the dist/index.html.