
Repro for what appears to be a bug in the JavaScript GraphQL instrumentation to ignore trivial resolve spans

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Repro for ignoreTrivialResolveSpans

This repository is a minimal reproducible example of a case where the GraphQL instrumentation's ignoreTrivialResolveSpans configuration property appears to be not respected.

The example is set up as an Express.js web application using Apollo Server.


The problem was found to lie in Apollo Server which wraps fields resolvers when it finds a plugin that defines the willResolveField hook. Apollo's internal cache control plugin does this. Disabling this plugin fixed the problem, and no resolve spans for me.name were emitted anymore.

See open-telemetry/opentelemetry-js-contrib#2514 (comment).


  1. Install npm packages: npm install.

  2. Start the application: npm start.

  3. Execute the following GraphQL operation to http://localhost:8181/graphql:

    query Me {
      me {
    curl --location 'http://localhost:8181/graphql' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data '{"query":"query me { me { name } }","variables":{}}'
  4. Observe in the console a span named graphql.resolve me.name.

      resource: {
      instrumentationScope: {
        name: '@opentelemetry/instrumentation-graphql',
        version: '0.44.0',
        schemaUrl: undefined
      traceId: '141e775d40e7a5b4f0d9d1484da835fb',
      parentId: '817fca783974fbeb',
      traceState: undefined,
      name: 'graphql.resolve me.name',
      id: 'fd4c468acb830e1f',
      kind: 0,
      timestamp: 1730669920179000,
      duration: 133.9,
      attributes: {
        'graphql.field.name': 'name',
        'graphql.field.path': 'me.name',
        'graphql.field.type': 'String!',
        'graphql.source': 'name'
      status: { code: 0 },
      events: [],
      links: []