
BellaJS - A useful helper for any javascript program

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Lightweight util for handling data type, string, data entries, datetime in your Node.js and browser apps.

NPM Travis Coverage Status devDependency Status Known Vulnerabilities



  • Node.js

    npm install bellajs --save
  • CDN


    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/ndaidong/bellajs/master/dist/bella.min.js"></script>
  • This library also supports ES6 Module, AMD and UMD style.


DataType detection

  • .isArray(Anything val)
  • .isBoolean(Anything val)
  • .isDate(Anything val)
  • .isDef(Anything val)
  • .isElement(Anything val)
  • .isEmail(Anything val)
  • .isEmpty(Anything val)
  • .isFunction(Anything val)
  • .isGeneratedKey(Anything val)
  • .isInteger(Anything val)
  • .isLetter(Anything val)
  • .isNull(Anything val)
  • .isNumber(Anything val)
  • .isObject(Anything val)
  • .isString(Anything val)

Array & Object

  • .clone(Array|Object|Date o)
  • .contains(Array a, String|Object search [, String key])
  • .copies(Array|Object src, Array|Object dest [, Boolean mustMatch[, Array exclude] ])
  • .empty(Array|Object|Element|String o)
  • .equals(Anything a, Anything b)
  • .hasProperty(Array|Object o, String key)
  • .max(Array a)
  • .min(Array a)
  • .pick(Array a [, Number count])
  • .random([Number min [, Number max]])
  • .sort(Array a [, String order | Object option ])
  • .shuffle(Array a)
  • .unique(Array a)
  • .first(Array a)
  • .last(Array a)
  • .getIndex(String|Object element, Array a)
  • .getLastIndex(String|Object element, Array a)

How to use Bella.sort?

var a = [1, 5, 19, 6, 4, 11, 7, 22, 40, 3, 8];
console.log('Array a, default:');

console.log('Array a, from lower to higher:');
var a1 = Bella.sort(a);
console.log('Array a, descendant:');
var a2 = Bella.sort(a, -1);

var players = [
      'name': 'Jerome Nash',
      'age': 24
      'name': 'Jackson Valdez',
      'age': 21
      'name': 'Benjamin Cole',
      'age': 23
      'name': 'Manuel Delgado',
      'age': 33
      'name': 'Caleb McKinney',
      'age': 28

console.log('\nList of players as it is:');
    console.log([item.name, item.age].join(' | '));

console.log('\nSort by age from young to old:');
var players1 = Bella.sort(players, 'age');
    console.log([item.name, item.age].join(' | '));

console.log('\nAnd then reverse them:');
var players2 = Bella.sort(players, {age: -1});
    console.log([item.name, item.age].join(' | '));

String manipulation

  • .createId(Number length [, String prefix])
  • .createAlias(String s)
  • .encode(String s)
  • .decode(String s)
  • .trim(String s)
  • .strtolower(String s)
  • .strtoupper(String s)
  • .ucfirst(String s)
  • .ucwords(String s)
  • .escapeHTML(String s)
  • .unescapeHTML(String s)
  • .stripTags(String s)
  • .stripAccent(String s)
  • .truncate(String s, Number limit)
  • .leftPad(String s, Number limit, String pad)
  • .rightPad(String s, Number limit, String pad)
  • .repeat(String s, Number times)
  • .warn(String message)
  • .replaceAll(String s, String|Array search, String|Array replace)
  • .md5(String s)

Template compiler

  • .compile(String s, Object d)

What does Bella.compile do?

This is a simple template engine that allows to quickly assign the values from object "d" to the template string "s".

Here is an example:

var template = [
    '<a href="{link}">{title}</a>',

var data = {
  title: 'Hello world',
  link: 'http://google.com',
  content: 'This is an interesting thing, is that right?',
  author: {
    name: 'Dong Nguyen',
    email: 'ndaidong@gmail.com'

var html = Bella.compile(template, data);


  • .date.format(String pattern, Date|Number|String input)
  • .date.relativize(Date|Number|String input)
  • .date.local(Date|Number|String input)
  • .date.utc(Date|Number|String input)
  • .date.strtotime(String input)

Default pattern is 'D, M d, Y H:i:s A'. Without any parameter, Bella.date.format() return a string related to current time, in the format of default pattern.

BellaJS' datetime pattern is familiar with PHP developers than MomentJS. The available characters in the pattern are:

- Y: full year, ex: 2050
- y: short year, ex: 50
- F: full month name, ex: August
- M: short month name, ex: Aug
- m: month index with zero, ex: 08 (in 08/24/2050)
- n: short month name with no zero, ex: 8 (in 8/24/2050)
- S: the ordering subfix for date, ext: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
- j: day of the month, with no zero, ex: 3 (in 18/3/2050)
- d: day of the month, with zero, ex: 03 (in 18/03/2050)
- t: date in year
- w: weekday in number
- l: long name of weekday, ex: Sunday
- D: short name of weekday, ex: Sun
- G: hour, with no zero: 0 - 24
- g: hour, with no zero: 0 - 12
- h: hour, with zero:  00 - 24
- i: minute:  00 - 59
- s: second:  00 - 59
- a: am, pm
- A: AM, PM
- O: timezone


// default datetime (local)
var t = Bella.now();

// format it as 2015/09/25 09:44:51
var f = Bella.date.format('Y/m/d h:i:s', t);

// this is a time in future

var atime = 80616962585961;

// display it as your local time
var local = Bella.date.local(atime);

// display it as GMT time
var utc = Bella.date.utc(atime);

// display it with default pattern
var s = Bella.date.format(false, atime);


git clone https://github.com/ndaidong/bellajs.git
cd bellajs
npm install
npm test


The MIT License (MIT)