Debug Airflow in vscode


Create python venv

python -m venv venv

Ensure vscode is configured to use the venv. cmd + shift + p and Select Python interpreter and choose the venv. Open a new terminal and ensure the terminal is started with the venv activated.

Install airflow with Trino

pip install apache-airflow-providers-trino[common.sql]

Run Trino on port 3400 to not conflict with Airflow

docker run -d -p 3400:8080 --name trino --rm trinodb/trino:397

Debug the demo dag with Trino

Go to debug and execute task launch_dag

It should create a fresh airflow database, configure it with your connections and execute the dag with ability to put breakpoitns in user and library code.

Debug the demo dag with Starburst Galaxy

Change the configuration of my_starburst_connection in connection/dev/all.json with your credentials.

Change the demo dag ot use my_starburst_connection as conn_id