
This utility tool will run maintenance tasks on your Iceberg tables.

It will:

  • Remove any orphan files that exceed the configured retention
  • Expire snapshots that exceed the configured retention
  • analyze table or specific columns every configured period
  • optimize table every configured period

Configure the maintenance

The configuration is stored in the iceberg_maintenance_schedule table.

table_name VARCHAR NOT NULL,
should_analyze INTEGER,
last_analyzed_on TIMESTAMP(6),
days_to_analyze INTEGER,
columns_to_analyze ARRAY(VARCHAR),
should_optimize INTEGER,
last_optimized_on TIMESTAMP(6),
days_to_optimize INTEGER,
should_expire_snapshots INTEGER,
retention_days_snapshots INTEGER,
should_remove_orphan_files INTEGER,
retention_days_orphan_files INTEGER

The job can be scheduled using cron and configured through environment variables (currently only basic authentication is supported).

It requires the latest trino-python-client to be installed.

The amount of simultaneous maintenance jobs can be configured through setting the NUM_WORKERS environment variable (default is 5).

export NUM_WORKERS=10
export TRINO_HOST=localhost
export TRINO_PORT=8080
export TRINO_USER=admin
export TRINO_CATALOG=iceberg
export TRINO_SCHEMA=default
python -m trino_iceberg_maintenance