- 1
Unknown pseudo-class: "modal"
#45 opened by jed - 1
Unable to parse :host() pseudo element
#44 opened by WilcoFiers - 1
Does it support The & nesting selector?
#41 opened by n4j1Br4ch1D - 0
- 4
Unsupported pseudo elements
#39 opened by jaqba98 - 1
- 1
Does it support Keyframes?
#40 opened by n4j1Br4ch1D - 0
Redo identifier escaping according to standards
#37 opened by mdevils - 0
- 2
- 2
- 1
- 9
How to define ::highlight() pseudoElement ?
#29 opened by noyobo - 1
after render() lose combinator ?
#27 opened by noyobo - 1
li:nth-last-child(-n+3) parse error
#28 opened by noyobo - 7
Add ESM export
#22 opened by decrek - 7
v2 migration guide
#24 opened by mykola-mokhnach - 1
- 1
Error parsing nested operators inside pseudo without a tagName (ex. `div:has(>label+input)`)
#21 opened by gmathieu - 1
Issue/Error with `/` in classnames/selectors
#13 opened by anselmh - 3
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 2
- 1
- 11
eachRule method
#8 opened by TrySound - 0
Parent rule
#7 opened by TrySound - 1
Wrong output with parent
#10 opened by totty90 - 1
nth-child(n+2) not parsed correctly
#9 opened by kavaro - 1
- 8
#5 opened by TrySound - 0