STM32 host programmer implementation using USART AN3155

How to program a STM32 with another STM32 using the system bootloader interface


This example an implementaiton following the AN3155 protocol and AN2606 entry points.

Hardware and Tools required

  • Nucleo-L4R5ZI
  • USB A to Micro USB B Cable
  • STM32CubeIDE (Tested on v1.13.2)
  • STM32CubeProg (Tested on v2.14.0)
  • Teraterm(v4.106 or higher) is recommended, although any terminal emulator software can be used.

Description of stm32-host-programmer-an3155

This directory contains a set of sources files and pre-configured projects that describes how to create the stm32 host to program other stm32s using USART interface following the AN3155 protocol.


Please refer to the Knowledge Base Article for a full code explanation and implementation:

Caution : Issues and the pull-requests are not supported to submit problems or suggestions related to the software delivered in this repository. The stm32 host programmer example is being delivered as-is, and not necessarily supported by ST.

For any other question related to the product, the hardware performance or characteristics, the tools, the environment, you can submit it to the ST Community on the STM32 MCUs related page.