Rancid Tomatillos

  • Contributors:
    • Mike Flynn
    • Joe Lopez


  • Rancid Tomatillos is an application that provides users with information about a wide variety of movies. Rancid Tomatillos gives users recommendations on whether or n

Getting Started

  1. Fork the repo by clicking the "Fork" button in the top right corner of the page
  2. Clone down your forked repo to your local machine by using the command git clone [replace this with the SSH key for your repo] in your terminal
  3. cd into the cloned down directory on your local machine
  4. Run npm start in the terminal
  5. Navigate to the localhost url that is provided after running the last command

How to Navigate

  1. Upon arriving on the homepage, a user will see a homebar at the top, with a search form and a list of movies below it.

  2. Lets start by searching for a movie. Search for a movie by typing the name of a desired movie into the search form at the top of the page.

  3. Can't find what you are looking for? Try typing in a different movie name and see what comes up!

Typing in movie names

  1. Found a movie that interests you? Click on the movie to see more details about that movie.

  2. Clicking on a movie will immediately bring you to a more detailed overview of that movie. This overview includes a short synopsis, rating, trailer, and even some cover art for the selected movie.

Scrolling on movie page

  1. Want to know about more movies? Return to the homepage by clicking the Rancid Tomatillos title or the tomatillo image in the homebar at the top of the page.

Returning to the home page
7. Once home, select some other movies you wish to learn about!

Future Iterations

  • Use an API with a greater quanity of movies
  • The ability for a user to create their own custom profile and favorite movies based on personal interest
  • "Top Notch Tomatillos" scroll bar for the best rated movies at any given time
  • Media queries to correctly scale the application with relation to screen size