Access large language models from the command-line
Full documentation:
See llm, ttok and strip-tags—CLI tools for working with ChatGPT and other LLMs for more on this project.
Install this tool using pip
pip install llm
Or using Homebrew:
brew install simonw/llm/llm
Detailed installation instructions.
First, create an OpenAI API key and save it to the tool like this:
llm keys set openai
This will prompt you for your key like so:
$ llm keys set openai
Enter key:
Now that you've saved a key you can run a prompt like this:
llm "Five cute names for a pet penguin"
1. Waddles
2. Pebbles
3. Bubbles
4. Flappy
5. Chilly
Read the usage instructions for more.
For help, run:
llm --help
You can also use:
python -m llm --help