Welcome to Rover! ================== | Install | ================== Rover comes equipped with setuptools, which allows for an easy install. 1. python setup.py build 2. python setup.py install *nix users will need to be root (sudo, su, etc.) 3. Type "rover" in a terminal to see if the install has completed successfully! ================== | About | ================== Rover is a Python tool for checking out code across heterogeneous version control repositories. Currently, the following SCMs are supported * cvs * svn * git (beta) Contributors are always welcome to add their own additions. The following are potential extensions: * Mercurial * Bazaar * SVK And more! If you use it, you can write a backend. Take a look at rover/backends/ for some examples; the rgit.py, rcvs.py, and rsvn.py are all great examples, and the syntax is easy to read.