=== Notify === License: GPLv2 or later
Mantis Bugtracker plugin
== Description ==
After reporting an issue send an email to the reporter. You can set the subject and mailtext in the plugin config. This messeage is set per project. If no message is available for the project nothing will be send.
== Installation ==
To install a MantisBT Plugin manually:
Download the zip file to your desktop. If downloaded as a zip archive, extract the DBtools folder to your desktop. Place the unzipped pluginfolder in the plugins folder of your Mantis installation.
Login to Mantis as administrator. Click Manage, Manage plugins. Find the notify plugin and click install.
== Changelog ==
= 1.0.2 = Fixed saving an entry. It was overwriting all entries. Fixed deleting an entry. It was deleting all entries.
= 1.0.1 = added delete option you cann set email message per project
= 1.0.0 = First stable