
Primary LanguageKotlin


MDG WOC Project


Geek-Tree is a project under Winter of Code, a month long programming project aimed to bring more students into open source development. It is organised each year by MDG and SDS labs of IIT Roorkee.


  • Users can sign up into this app and specify their fields of interests, which they can change at a later stage as well. Based on their selected fields, they'll be shown posts on their home screen.
  • Users can star the posts they like, and view them later under pinned posts as well.
  • The app also allows users to add posts, and select the interests under which they want the post to be visible.
  • A separate fragment, showing all the interests is also available, through which a user can view posts according to interests.
  • User can also view the profiles of users who follow an interest.

Development Environment

The app is entirely written using Kotlin in Android Studio.


  • Architecture Pattern - MVVM
    • Model-View-ViewModel architecture pattern has been followed to retrieve posts, interest list of user, the list of users following a particular interest, and also their information. RecyclerView and CardView are used to display different lists in the app.
  • Architecture Components
    • Livedata
      • Data is being observed using livedata.
    • ViewModel
      • ViewModels process the DataSnapshot fetched from the FirebaseDatabase by LiveData, and emmit it, which is observed by the views.
    • Navigation Architecture
      • The app follows Single Activity Pattern, and navigation between the different fragments is executed using navigation graph.


Following Firebase components have been used:

  • Firebase Authentication
    • For sign in
  • Firebase Database
    • To save users' information, their interests, and posts.
  • Firebase Storage
    • To save posts' pictures and profile image of users.

Interface CallBack

The app makes use of callback to check, during sign up, if a username already exists. This was used to make sure that a user signs up only if the username is unique.


Databinding has been used to fetch the information of current user to display in his profile.

Libraries Used

For cropping image

api 'com.theartofdev.edmodo:android-image-cropper:2.8.+'

For animated like button


For picasso, to load image into posts and profile image

implementation 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.2'
