
Compile Errors

btd1337 opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
This error occurs when Quickdocs is compiling.

../src/Widgets/View.vala:28.17-28.28: warning: `null' incompatible with return type `Gtk.Widget`
                return null;
../src/MainWindow.vala:69.27-69.47: warning: has been deprecated since 3.26
../src/MainWindow.vala:70.13-70.28: warning: Dh.BookManager.populate has been deprecated since 3.26
../src/Services/Downloader.vala:49.48-49.57: error: Argument 1: Cannot convert from `void*' to `uint8[]?'
                while (reader.read_data_block (out buffer, out offset) != Archive.Result.EOF) {
../src/Services/Downloader.vala:50.21-50.58: error: 1 missing arguments for `ssize_t Archive.Write.write_data_block (void*, size_t, Posix.off_t)'
                    disk.write_data_block (buffer, offset);
Compilation failed: 2 error(s), 3 warning(s)
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
==> ERRO: Uma falha ocorreu em build().
    Abortando...                                                                                                                                                  exit:1

System Information

  • Distribution: Arch Linux
  • Desktop Environment: GNOME
  • Installation Method: AUR
mdh34 commented

Vala 0.40.9

Libarchive 3.3.3-1

captura de tela de 2018-11-30 18-30-35