
Web platform built with FastAPI & Vue.js to help artists (painters) with inspiration.

Ideas of fetures to be included:

  • Auto extract color palette from the image: the top most used colors in the image, with significant difference in nuances (e.g not only greens, but also yellow etc.)
  • Input topics about which you want to paint (just words multi-select) and it will suggest relevant images similar to the words/topics. Images db, use object recognition NNs pretrained to label images / coco annotated dataset, search by topic/similarities
  • Button "random subjects" to suggest 1, 2, or 3 images that would form a composition inspiration for a painting
  • Button "random topic" to suggest a random word topic, (can use smth.: words that were previously searched as topics on the website)
  • Color palette suggestion: pretrain NN on sets of color palettes & other knowledge, and that it will suggest a color palette. Initially can be something rule-based, like "constrast colors", or "colors which are near in the color circle"
  • The possibility to input an image and obj detection and can change the colors of objects
  • and other ideas