
DOM-Extension libary including some nice html5 web shims / polyfills with capability based loading concept

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Webshims Lib - The polyfilling, capability based loading JavaScript Libary


General Principles:

  • HTML5 compliant: correctly and accurately implemented (HTML5) Markup-, JS- and DOM-APIs
  • capability based loading: extremely lightweight in modern browsers
  • cross-browser support: All A-Graded browsers including latest version of Opera are tested
  • extendable: if we have not implemented a feature you want, you can easily implement it on your own

Implemented Features:

  • HTML5 shiv and innerShiv solution including basic CSS-support
  • canvas
  • HTML5 form features including: constraint validation and form widgets (input[range], input[date], input[time], input[datetime-local], output, input[list]/datalist)
  • interactive elements: summary/details
  • JSON (stringify and parse)
  • localStorage/sessionStorage
  • geolocation
  • ECMAScript 5 / JavaScript 1.8.5 features

How To Use

<script src="js-webshim/minified/polyfiller.js"></script> 

	//load and implement all unsupported features 
	//or only load a specific feature
	//$.webshims.polyfill('geolocation json-storage');

  • Wait till everything has been loaded and then use it:

		//work with JSON and localStorage 
		var userData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userData')) || {visits: 0};

More information and demos here.


The Webshims Lib core is licensed under the MIT-License. Note: Webshims Lib uses many great third party scripts.


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them on the Using jQuery Plugins forum.

Please tag your questions with 'webshims' or 'polyfill'.

upcomming Release 1.8.0

  • mediaelement implementation (audio/video)
  • better language support
  • updated es5-shim
  • updated jQuery UI path
  • fixed label for putput element

Release 1.7.2

  • fixed bad feature detection for interactive form validation in Safari 5.1
  • improved error balloon positioning
  • .form-ui-valid/.form-ui-invalid behave now more similiar to :-moz-ui-valid/:-moz-ui-invalid
  • some little performance improvements
  • started mediaelement support (next major release)

Release 1.7.1

  • fixed autofocus issue
  • updated "placeholder label option"-algorithm (changed spec)
  • scripted submit is not prevented anymore
  • delegate validity property from shadowelement to native element
  • delayed focusout/blur event on date-input, if user is interacting with datepicker

Release 1.7

  • compaibility with jQuery 1.6.x
  • support for $.fn.prop/$.fn.removeAttr
  • added custom events to webforms changedvalid / changedinvalid