
Postgresql foreign data wrapper for Moosend API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Multicorn-based foreign data wrapper for the Moosend API.

Why? Because I want to control my mailing lists from postgresql; because I want postgresql to be my API; because Graphile makes it possible for me to design a database model and use it as my API.


Assuming you have the Multicorn extension and python setuptools installed on your Postgresql server, run the following to install this module:

git clone https://github.com/mdiin/moosend-fdw
cd moosend-fdw
sudo python setup.py install

Following that, restart your postgresql server to make the module accessible.


To create the foreign data wrapper server:

  wrapper 'moosendfdw.SubscriberFDW'

To create a foreign table using this server:

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE moosend_subscribers (
  "ID" TEXT COMMENT 'Maps directly to the ID property in Moosend',
  "Email" TEXT COMMENT 'Maps directly to the Email property in Moosend',
  "Name" TEXT COMMEN 'Maps directly to the Name property in Moosend',
  "CreatedOn" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE COMMENT 'Maps directly to the CreatedOn property in Moosend',
  "MyCrazyNumber" INTEGER COMMENT 'Maps to the MyCrazyNumber custom field on the mailing list'
SERVER moosend
  api_key 'your_api_key',
  list_id 'your_list_id'

Now all your list subscribers are but a SELECT away:

SELECT * FROM moosend_subscribers;

And you can INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE as on a regular table.

Column names

Column names of your foreign table that do not match a Moosend-internal field are assumed to be custom fields in the terminology of Moosend. What this means is that your table's columns for e.g. subscriber email must match what the Moosend API calls them.

See the Moosend Subscribers API documentation for details on the column names.

A note on subscriber consent

When inserting a subscriber using this foreign data wrapper the assumption is that you have received an opt-in confirmation from somewhere other than Moosend.


  • Matthias Varberg Ingesman - Initial work - mdiin

See also the list of contributers who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • Multicorn for building an amazing framework for Postgresql foreign data wrappers
  • Moosend for being a friendly email service