Brief Summary:

This is a python project used to run a "simulation" to predict gold price in the next days using price of other stocks & commodities in the past. The accuracy should reach at least 80% using this data.
In this project you will find a few work samples in:

  • pandas dataframe
  • web scraping with BeautifulSoup
  • web scraping with selenium
  • SQL querying in MySQL environment
  • making prediction models with sklearn
  • plotting with matplotlib, seaborn
  • data cleaning for numerical values
  • testing H0 hypothesis with one-tail-test
  • dashboarding with Tableau

Building the prediction model

The main part of the prediction is located inside the "STEP 4 - doing predictions"
STEP 1-3 are basically just the parts where I prepared the data to then use it in STEP 4 as a clean data, but I put them there so you can see the process in the web scraping, the SQL part, as well as the data cleaning part.

Inside the main code (TEST 4)

First, it does predictions for different data sizes, because different data sizes make different R²-score.
Then among the prediction results, the one with the highest R²-score is used as our actual prediction.
The predicted price is then compared in a plot with the actual price, and then it will print out the dates where it is recommended to buy and as well as to sell.

How to run the Hypothesis

The hypothesis doesn't have to do with the STEPs, meaning it doesn't contain any information for/from the prediction part. It tests the H0 prediction, where it says the gold price growth is lower or equal the silver price growth.

How to run the prediction

If you want to just see the predictions, you can go straight to STEP 4 and skip every other STEPs.
If you are interested in the web scraping part using python (BeautifulSoup and selenium webdriver), then go to STEP 1.
STEP 2 and STEP 3 don't contain too much information, as the STEP 2 only sends multiple dataframes to MySQL,
create a schema and its tables, then make a simple query to join all of them based on the date column.
The joined table will then be used in STEP 3 to be cleaned. The cleaned up data will be used in STEP 4.


Some packages might need to be installed in your Python framework, especially in the STEP 1, where it has a few steps in web scraping using selenium. You might need to search in google for instructions regarding the installation process(es). But some of the installations you might need would be:

  • pip install -U selenium
  • pip install beautifulsoup4
  • pip install pandas
  • pip install numpy
  • pip install seaborn
  • pip install -U matplotlib
  • pip install PyMySQL
  • pip install sqlalchemy
  • pip install sqlalchemy-utils

Visualisation in Tableau

You can see a quick visualisation in Tableau here: Time-Series-Prediction: Gold Prices

Link to data sources

You will see the urls in the last page of my Tableau Story/presentation. These are urls, from which I downloaded/scraped the data.


Depending on developer's availability (and mood), following features might be added into the code.
Do contact me if you're interested in the project, or if you are interested to see other possible features in this project! :)

modifying code into predicting other commodity's future price

This feature will be added in the future (hopefully). Stay tuned and stay updated!

adding more ticker/price column into the table

This feature will be added in the future (hopefully). Stay tuned and stay updated!

printing out prices that have high (or negative) collinearity with gold

This feature will be added in the future (hopefully). Stay tuned and stay updated!