
Debile platform

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Debile is a Debian build system. It's reduced, minimal and purely implemented in modern Python. This allows folks to use debile as a platform to aid with building debs, or running custom tooling against debs or debian source packages.

Debile isn't useful for many "normal" situations, other tools, such as sbuild, or pbuilder will do much better when used directly by simple shell scripts. It's also not great as a buildd, check out wanna-build if you're interested in a big professional setup.

Quick setup for development, using Docker

Debile is currently quite difficult to install. If you want to set it up quickly and start hacking immediately, you can use docker.

Some Dockerfiles for debile-master, debile-slave and the required services are provided in contrib/clemux/docker. Both the Dockerfiles and documentation need more work, so don't hesitate to ask for help on #debile (irc.debian.org), or send an email to clement@mux.me and sylvestre@debian.org.

Postgresql install

$ sudo -u postgres createuser debile

$ sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER debile WITH PASSWORD 'foobar';"

$ sudo -u postgres createdb -E UTF-8 -O debile debile

For the tests:

$ sudo -u postgres createdb -E UTF-8 -O debile debile_tests

$ export DATABASE_URI='postgres://debile:foobar@localhost:5432/debile_tests'

Run tests

$ apt-get install python-nose

$ nosetests

Run flake8

(see .travis.yaml)

$ flake8 debile/ --ignore E711,E241 --max-line-length=200

Fedmsg Topics

All topics are under:

`-- source
|   |-- accept
|   |-- reject
`-- binary
|   |-- accept
|   |-- reject
`-- job
|   |-- start
|   |-- complete
|   |-- abort
`-- result
    |-- receive