
New iconicity ratings for 14,000+ English words

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Iconicity ratings for 14,000+ English words

This repository contains all the main scripts and data that are needed to reproduce the analysis that we report for the iconicity ratings in the following paper:

Winter, Bodo, Gary Lupyan, Lynn K. Perry, Mark Dingemanse, and Marcus Perlman. “Iconicity Ratings for 14,000+ English Words.” Behavior Research Methods, April 20, 2023. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-023-02112-6.

For all analyses using our iconicity ratings, we recommend using the iconicity_ratings_cleaned.csv file in the ratings folder. This contains the files that are processed.

The main script folder contains the following files:

  • processing_raw_ratings.Rmd : takes the combined_byWord_and_subject_anonymized.csv file, applies exclusion criteria and aggregates the data to yield the cleaned file, which is the main iconicity ratings file that will be used for all analyses iconicity_ratings.csv

  • bayesian_models.Rmd : takes iconicity_ratings.csv and performs a series of analysis, specifically correlations with other lexical measures from published studies that are in the additional_data folder

  • bayesian_models.Rmd : posterior predictive checks for all models that will be saved in the folder pp_checks

  • substantive_analysis.Rmd : the main analysis script that reproduces all the main results reported and creates plots (this script loads in the models created by bayesian_models.Rmd)

  • calculate_ICCs.Rmd : inter-rater reliability measures added after review