CodeFrontier Blog Website.

Developer by Md. Jasim Uddin

Project Preview

  1. Live Link :
  2. Project Repository :
  3. Developer Github Profile :

Technologies used on the website

  1. HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, React Js, Vite Tool

Used UI Component

  1. Daisy UI
  2. Mamba UI
  3. Material UI(Icons, Component)

How to run this code

  1. Step-1 : Go to my github repository section
  2. Step-2 : Copy "CodeFrontier-blogs-with-react" repository url link
  3. Step-3 : Open your code editor (vs, sublinetext, nodepad++ or any other) terminal
  4. Step-4 : git clone "paste repository link"
  5. Step-5 : go to folder directory => cd [file name]
  6. Step-6: "npm install" command apply and open browser & show web preview

used npm packages

  1. react-router-dom (
  2. react-icons (
  3. material UI (
  4. prop-types (
  5. react-hot-toast (
  6. react-markdown (
  7. react-spinners (
  8. rehype-raw (

Developer Info

  1. Name : Md Jasim Uddin.
  2. Email :
  3. Address : Rajshahi, Bangladesh