Single Page Sales Entry Front-end
Project Overview
This project is a Single Page Sales Entry application with a user interface designed using ReactJS and Redux. It allows users to enter sales data in two sections: HEADER and DETAIL. The HEADER section displays necessary fields from the header_table, while the DETAIL section allows entry for multiple rows in the detail_table.
Project Structure
src/components/HeaderSection.js: React component for the HEADER section.
src/components/DetailSection.js: React component for the DETAIL section, supporting dynamic addition and removal of rows.
src/actions: Redux actions for managing state changes.
src/reducers: Redux reducers for handling state changes.
src/store: Redux store configuration.
src/Table: Application component rendering HEADER and DETAIL sections.
src/App.js: Main application component rendering Table sections.
src/index.js: Entry point for the React application.