
Windows and Linux command line tool for controlling Yeelight globes

Primary LanguageGo

Yeelight Management

Windows and Linux command line tool for controlling Yeelight colour smart globes.


Downloadable binaries for Windows, Linux, and OSX can be found on the releases page.


yeelight.exe -ip <ip> 
    [-hsvHue <0-359>] 
    [-hsvSat <0-100>] 
    [-css <red, blue, aqua, violet, etc>] 
    [-rgb <000000-FFFFFF>] 
    [-effect <sudden|smooth>]
    [-duration <30+>]
    [-power <on|off|toggle>]


Turn on a globe

yeelight.exe -ip -power on

Toggle the power

yeelight.exe --ip= --power=toggle

Multiple commands can be used. Turn on a globe, set the color to RGB value #9400D3, and set the brightness to max (100).

yeelight.exe -ip -power on -rgb 9400d3 -brightness 100

Set colour using CSS named colours. See here for a list of valid values.

yeelight.exe -ip -css royalblue

Linux example showing HSV usage

./yeelight-linux --ip= --hsvHue=120 --hsvSat=100 --effect=sudden

Supported Globes

Currently I can only guarantee this will work with the Smart LED Bulb 1S (COLOR) as that's all I have access to.

If you've successfully used this with other globes, please let me know so I can add them to this doc.

Release Notes


  • Initial release


  • Added CSS Named colour flag (-css).