sample web server when visited will render html page showing local ip of server and version number
├── buildspec.yml # AWS Codebuild steps
├── cf # folder contains Cloudformation (CF) templates
│ ├── config.json # configuration parameters for deploy.yaml CF template
│ ├── deploy.yaml # EC2 instance + Elastic IP that hosting the web server
│ └── pipeline.yaml # codepipeline + codebuild + iam roles ....
├── k8s # Kubernetes resources definitions
│ ├── ipsvc-de.yaml # deployment object for ipsvc
│ └── ipsvc-svc.yaml # service object for ipsvc
├── ipsvc.service # systemd service to run the web server at boot
├── main.go # web server source code in Golang
├── Makefile # instructions to compile main.go
├── packer.json # packer template to build AMI
AMI deploy:
- create aws codecommit repo
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name ipsvc-pipeline --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --template-body file://cf/pipeline.yaml
K8s deploy:
kubectl apply -f k8s/